Louis smiles at the memory, it was one of Louis good days where he was able to let loose and have fun. He knows Liam only invites Louis to hangout with his friends because he has no friends of his own. But on this day Louis felt like he was part of the group. No he didn't talk a lot during that day, but he still had fun and felt included. 

He doesn't realize how long he was in the trance of Instagram until he hears the hotel room door being open. 

"hey bubs we are back!" Liam calls entering the room. Followed behind him is the rest of the boys each carrying a bag filled with snacks.

"H-hi" Louis smiles. "You look cozy" Harry smiles pointing to Louis who is curled up in the bed with the blankets to his chin. "It's cold" Louis pouts. "Awe Lou, well I guess I will have to cuddle up with you during the movie. Body heat and all that." harry winks. 

"Yeah body heat that's the reason" Niall teases before receiving a punch to the arm from Harry. "Ow!" Niall rubs his arm where Harry punched him. "what you do that for?" Niall pouts. 

"Alright children enough fighting, Zayn put the movie in, Niall push the beds together so we can all get comfy. Harold stop punching people. Louis... well just keep Harry under control." Liam winks at his brother and Louis giggles. 

Harry moves the bed side table out of the way so that Niall can slide Liam's bed over connecting it to Harry and Louis. "Lou, you are the smallest of us all do you mind laying in the middle?" Harry asks. " 'm not small" Louis pouts. 
"babes you are tiny, I could fit you in my pocket." Harry chuckles receiving an angry glare from Louis. "Feisty hedgehog" Harry laughs. "Whatever frog face, you are just a giant." Louis sticks his tongue out at Harry. 

Harry hops on the bed hovering over Louis and starts tickling the younger boy. "H-H-Ha-Haz-zie! S-st-st-stop." Louis stutters between a fit of giggles. "That's what you get for calling me a giant." Harry eases up the tickling, but keeps his hands resting on Louis sides, his eyes locking with Louis.  

"Harry, can you stop flirting with my brother and settle your ass down the rest of us want to watch a movie" Liam rolls his eyes. "Not flirting Li." Louis whines, face covering in blush as he hiding under the covers. 

Harry rolls his eyes at Liam before settling in next to Louis. "Pass me my bag of snacks then." Harry says. Zayn throws Harry his bag, Harry opens the bag and starts rifling through it until he pulls out a plastic package of candy placing it on Louis lap. Louis eyes widen at the package. "For me?" "Of course babes, what is a movie without your favorite snacks." Harry grins. "Thanks Hazzie" Louis smiles taking the gummies and chips Harry hands him. 

"If you really want to thank me, you can thank me by giving me your amazing Loubear cuddles."  Harry pokes at Louis side. Giggling Louis cuddles up to Harry's side, trying to ignore the butterflies that are currently occupying his stomach. "Deal" 

Ignoring the three other boys giving them looks, Harry pulls Louis in closer. "So what are we watching?" Harry questions. 

"How about we watch Spider-Man No Way Home" Niall offers to which Louis perks up. "Please, please, please!' Louis begs. Louis has always loved Spiderman, it has always been his favorite superhero. Louis when he was younger thought that he could be a superhero he would be Spiderman. he is small in stature and his mum always called him a spider monkey because he would climb up on tall surfaces to look down over the world. His mum thought it was because he was rambunctious and wild, Louis, he knew it was because he could see the world away from anyone that could hurt him, from his bullies who would make fun of the boy for being so flamboyant and loud. Spiderman was Louis escape. It's what led him to be interested in photography, he thought he could be a real life Peter Parker... minus the crime fighting alter ego.   

"Well it seems like Louis likes the idea so I'm sold." Liam adds, everyone nods their head in agreement. Louis settles into the middle of the two bed Harry on one side of him, Liam on the other. Zayn beside Harry and Niall beside Liam. Liam loading up the movie and pressing play after they shut off the lights and close the blinds. 

Louis put his candy at the end of the bed before settles back into the bed. Laying his head on Harry's stomach, Louis looks up at Harry. "Ha-Hazzie?" Louis whispers "Yeah babe?" Harry looks down at Louis.  "Umm.. c-can you play with my hair?" "Of course love." Harry smiles and Louis blushes snuggling into Harry's chest as Harry cards his fingers through the youngers hair. 


"Okay lads we all need to get some rest before tomorrow." Liam says as the movie ends. "What time do we have to be on the field again?" Niall asks. "Practice is at 10 am, our first game is the day after. So it will be a 2 hour practice." Liam explains. 

"Ugh well I guess Z and I better head down to our room and get some sleep. Lord knows you and Styles are going to kick our ass." Niall whines. 

"Li can you lock the door behind them i have a sleeping boy in my arms." Harry nods down to a sleeping Louis in his arms. 

"Okay seriously Harry what is going on between you and the kid?" Zayn questions. "Nothing Z" "You sure about that? The kid is literally always attached to you, more so then Liam his own brother." Niall adds. 

"He trusts me, in case you guys forgot I have known him since he was 7 years old." Harry states. "That doesn't explain the heart eyes you are constantly giving him." Zayn accuses. 

Louis shifts in Harry's arms snuggling his face into the crook of Harry's neck, basically laying on top of the older lad. "Look he's a good kid. Liam's younger brother that is all. I care about him, like I do the rest of you." Harry defends. 

"Okay, look as much as I would love to sit here and discuss Harry's love for my brother, we all need to get some rest. Off to bed." Liam ushers the two boys out of the room locking the door behind them before turning to walk back to the beds. 

"H?" Liam says as he climbs into the bed. "Yeah Li?" Harry responds. "Be careful with his heart." Harry looks down at the younger boy in his arms smiling fondly as soft snores escape his lips. 

 "I will."

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