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One of Shen Yuan's favorite aspects of getting up before the sunset behind the mountains was the morning dew. Shen Yuan's meridians have been rapidly restoring for the past several days. His ability to walk began to improve gradually after he began using a cane to assist him in walking around the courtyard with Mingfan. His brother was unable to follow him since, with the exception of Mingfan, his disciples are unaware of Shen Yuan's existence.

Not only did the top disciple feel blessed to be asked to conduct personal tasks for his Shizun, but he was also told to accompany his own twin brother whenever he left his room! He gloated about doing Shizun a lot of favors more than he ever did his buddies since he feels so favored by his Shizun. "Good morning Shishu," Mingfan would say as he reached the corner and saw Shen Yuan leaving his room as usual so early in the morning. He'd grown accustomed to his rising earlier than his Shizun. "Are you ready to take a stroll around the courtyard? Shishu, I must inform you that the disciples will be out early today for special training. Every three days, we train early in the morning and jog three times around our peak."

Shen Qingqiu makes his disciples run that much up the peak?! Shen Yuan pondered as his eyes widened in amazement and he remained silent. Mingfan had to have observed and chuckled.

"Shishu, on the other hand, does not need to be concerned. This is a common occurrence for all of us. We'd run an extra lap or two if we had any energy left." As the two of them walked away from the bamboo home and up the stairway path to the peak's main courtyard, he said. Mingfan was correct; the courtyard and training grounds of Qing Jing Peak were packed with disciples early this morning. So much for him being able to walk around in solitude and enjoy the cold morning dew on his own. Shen Yuan sighed unhappily as he realized that his most valuable time alone outside had been taken away for the day.

He had been taken out of his room in a wheelchair for the past few days because his meridians weren't strong enough to give his legs the strength he required. He began practicing walking on his own now that he has regained the majority of his mobility. He felt as if he were a toddler taking his first steps... How humiliating... "What is Shizun's plan for today?" Mingfan inquired as Shen Yuan regarded the head disciple with a puzzled expression. Mingfan then realized his error and respectfully lowered his head. "I'm referring to Shishu...! Shishu, this one apologizes...!"

"There's no need to apologize, Mingfan," Shen Yuan said, smiling as he helped Mingfan get out of his bow. "Since your martial brothers and sisters are unaware of my presence, it's fine to refer to me as your Shizun in front of others for the time being." He added something else and inspected his sides and hanfu sleeve pockets. He mumbled under his breath, "Shoot... I forgot my fan."

"Shizun, I'll get it for you!" Mingfan stated as he rushed away before Shen Yuan had a chance to respond. He was now left to his own devices. It's not too shabby... He was, however, accustomed to having someone by his side. He observed as the disciples passed him by, respectfully acknowledging him before continuing on their way, whether it'd be training, or tending to the courtyard and keeping them clean.

"Good morning Shizun."

"Morning Shizun."

"Shizun, good morning."

So many disciples... How does Shen Jiu keep a headcount of all of them?!

"Shizun!" A bright, sunny young girl jumped over to him and excitedly clutched his arm, interrupting his thoughts. "Shizun! I had no idea you were an early riser! It's wonderful to see you out this early! Are you her to come see us train as we always do?" The young lady inquired. Shen Yuan didn't take long to figure out who this was.

In the stallion novel, Proud Immortal Demon Way, Ning Ying Ying was one of Luo Binghe's wives. Luo Binghe's first love and first wife. She was always the damsel in distress in all of the chapters he read in the book... It's a little depressing.. okay it was truly depressing. Poor girl. Despite reading 6000 chapters of the cursed book, Luo Binghe never had a child of his own! Having a harem of 3000 ladies might not have been the best idea... Ning Ying Ying must have said something to him because she was shaking his arm to catch his attention the next second. "Shizun? Are you paying attention? Are you still worn out? If you are, you should sleep more!"

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