chapter 1

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Sonic was running around and he heard something then looked over and saw Eggman fighting a girl.

Larissa: why don't you just leave me alone Egg face!
Eggman: Never!
Sonic: hey how about you leave the poor girl. Sonic spin dashed Eggman away and he landed in front of the girl.

Sonic: you okay?
Larissa: yeah i'm fine but my clothes are ruined, i'm Larissa Robotnik by the way.
Sonic: Sonic the hedgehog and your one tough girl where did you learn to fight like that?
Larissa: from some friends back home they taught me all i know but is there a place where i can get some new clothes to wear?
Sonic: i have a friend who can help you come on I'll take you there. Sonic picked up Larissa bridal style and ran with her in his arms.

*time skip*

after Sonic introduced everyone to Larissa Amy took her to get a new outfit and when they came back Sonic whistled.
Sonic: wow now that looks like a girl ready for a fight.

Sonic: wow now that looks like a girl ready for a fight

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Larissa: shut up but its time for a change any way.
Sticks: your look could use a belt you know for your weapons.
Larissa: good idea Sticks i like how you think.
Amy: say no more i got one to complete the look (pulls out belt) here Larissa try it on. Larissa took the belt and put it on then everyone thought it looked good.
Larissa: now this is my kind of style.

Larissa: now this is my kind of style

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Sonic: looks good.
Tails: agreed but where is Larissa going to stay?
Amy: she can stay with me i have a guest room where she can stay.
Larissa: thanks Amy your a good friend. everyone went their separate ways and straight to their homes.

*next day*

Larissa: alright you guys what are we going to do?
Sonic: i don't know but i am getting hungry and i could go for some food.
Knuckles: yeah i could eat how about you Larissa?
Larissa: yeah i definitely could go for a bite haven't eaten since yesterday, so let's go i'm starving. they all walked to Meh Burger and got some food Larissa was enjoying her food but got looks from her friends and put down the burger and smiled sheepishly at them.
Amy: well someone's hungry.
Larissa: sorry i haven't eaten for a bit since i was running from Eggman.
Sticks: we don't blame you but try not to choke. everyone laughed and Larissa finished her food then walked right back to Amy's house but heard something from behind.

Larissa: hello who's there? but Larissa got no response then got grabbed by a robot hand and lifted into the air.
Eggman: now i have you.
Larissa: Ngh don't you ever quit?
Eggman: nope also you'll be the bait to make Sonic surrender to me. Larissa looked at Eggman with a bored look on her face.
Larissa: you do realise how dumb that sounded right?
Eggman: yeah sounded better in my head. Eggman pressed a button and Larissa was tied up then she struggled to get lose but failed.

*mini time skip*

Eggman: oh Sonic surrender now and your friend will survive. Eggman pressed the button and Larissa was brought out tied up and still struggling.
Sonic: let her go or we'll bash you into next week! then a red blur came out of no where and surprised Larissa.
Larissa: whoa what was that?
Shadow: pathetic even with all this help you can't defeat Sonic. Shadow saw Larissa and she turned her head away from Shadow.
Larissa: *who is that hedgehog he's handsome* but Larissa was knocked out of her thoughts and almost landed on the ground that was until Shadow caught her.

Larissa: uh t - thank you.
Shadow: (smirks) your welcome now you are one beautiful fox. Larissa blushed and looked away from Shadow, then he walked away with Larissa and put her down on the ground and untied her.
Shadow: stay safe out there. Shadow teleported away and Larissa couldn't help but think of how he saved her from becoming a pancake.
Amy: hey you alright Larissa?
Larissa: yeah i'm fine but i think i should get my own place to live.
Sonic: we can help you find a place if you want?
Larissa: yeah thanks guys. they all walked off and Sticks noticed the look on Larissa's face.

*time skip*

everyone was doing their part to make Larissa's new home ready and after the were done, there was a knock on the door and Amy saw roses on the porch.
Amy: hey Larissa i think somebody left these for you.
Larissa: who would leave me roses?
Tails: maybe a secret admirer.
Sonic: could be but there's a letter.
Knuckles: let's read it. Sonic took the letter and read it out loud for everyone.

Sonic: it says.

*in the letter*

my dearest Larissa from the moment i first saw you. i instantly knew your the most beautiful girl i have ever seen and if your heart says otherwise, just know i will always have you on my mind.

Love your secret admirer

Amy: awe how romantic.
Larissa: (blush) oh sweet mother of chaos why me?
Sticks: who knows.
Sonic: listen we all should head home see you in the morning Larissa. after the gang all left Larissa went up to her room got ready for bed but heard something outside her window, and went to look but saw nothing out there.

Larissa: i must be losing my mind i just need some sleep. Larissa climbed into bed and turned off the light and went to sleep. after a couple of hours then a window opened and a foot stepped through to enter the room. it turned out to be Shadow he smiled at the girl he fell in love with and he walked over to her.
Shadow: i wish we could be together but your a hero and i'm a villain there's no way that could happen, stay safe my love sweet dreams.

*next day*

the sun was shining through the window and it woke up Larissa to see it was morning and saw a rose on the table beside her bed.
Larissa: where did this come from? Larissa got up got dressed and walked towards the beach and saw her friends.

Sonic: hey Larissa.
Larissa: hey guys i found a rose by my bed when i woke up.
Sticks: maybe it's your secret admirer. Larissa playfully pushed Sticks and she laughed, Knuckles try to tackle Larissa but she grabbed his arm and swung him over her shoulder to make him land on the ground.
Tails: wow that was good.
Larissa: thanks had years of training.

Larissa RobotnikWhere stories live. Discover now