"Then stand up straight."

"Our shift is almost through, let's not wake up the whole town for a false alarm." Enair scanned the shadows and the spaces between houses, not for whatever Kaira thought she heard, but the next post or Caiden coming back to mess with his prisoner.

He did not hear the twig snap nor register the bird call that did not come from a bird, but a person.

"I'm telling you, there is someone out there." She drew the short sword on her hip, and treaded out into the darkness, away from the dying torch that lit their small area. Enair frowned, Kaira did not seem like she was joking. She looked almost scared, and he almost felt scared.

"Kaira, where are you going?" Enair hissed and her silhouette paused momentarily.

"To go check it out, stay where you are. Do not leave the post. You know how important this prisoner is." Kaira was gone before he had the chance to answer. She was right, this prisoner was important, probably the most important they'd ever had. Enair didn't like that thought. He and Kaira were the only things standing between the King and one of his prised possessions. If they survived an attack but lost the girl, Caiden would kill them himself.

A scream pierced through the night. It was sharp and cut through Enair's bones when he heard it. A scream was an awful sound, but Enair had heard screams before. What was worse was how short this one was. It sliced through the air for only a second before it was cut short. Whoever had screamed was most likely dead.

Eanir had a feeling he knew who had screamed. It sickened him to his stomach and his hand trembled as he reached for his own sword. He wanted to get help and yet, he knew he could not leave his door un-guarded. If he left his post at the first sight of danger, it would be like cutting off his own head.

"Who's there?" Enair called as something moved, two shapes approaching the light.

"Lower your weapon you fool!" Came a voice he recognized. Carac and Joslin were here to take him off duty. He lowered his sword but did not put it away completely. He wouldn't until he saw Kaira return unharmed.

"Have you seen Kaira?" He questioned as the others approached and Carac's lopsided grin faded.

"Kaira? Isn't she supposed to be with you?" Joslin asked, confusion laced in her voice.

"She was, she thought she heard something and went to check it out. Did you not hear that scream, I'm worried-"

An arrowhead sliced through Carac's chest from behind. He did not scream, but a guttering noise passed through his lips instead as he fell to his knees. Joslin screamed in his place, jumping back and reaching for her own weapon.

Enair wanted to check on Carac, but he knew there was no point. If Carac was not dead already, he would be soon and there was no stopping it. Enair would not leave his post by the door. He would stand his ground until his death. If he were to die, he would die a warrior's death and nothing less.

"I can't see them." Joslin said, falling into Kaira's empty space beside Enair. Although her face appeared clam and relaxed, her eyes told a different story. They darted back and forth, scanning the darkness for any movement. There wasn't any.

"You should go wake someone." Enair's hands trembled again. He did not want to be left along to face whatever evil was coming their way, but he would not be the one to leave the post.


"Get Caiden. Get anyone."

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you alone."

"Just go before I change my mind."

"You better be alive when I get back." Joslin stepped out from the barn canopy and started to move in the direction of Caiden's house.

"No promises." He whispered as he watched her go. Yet, before she left the light, another arrow cut through the air and burrowed itself in Joslin's chest. Enair stumbled back – his back hitting the barn door as he watched Joslin's shadow slump to the ground. He was all alone now. No one was coming to help. No one knew there was anything wrong. In the morning Caiden would come to check on his prisoner, only to find four dead bodies and an empty barn.

Along the edge of the flickering light, six shadows appeared. Without having to see their faces, Enair could easily guess who they were. They were here to retrieve their sister.

"Lower your weapon and give Callisto to us." One of the shapes stepped forward and their face was illuminated. Enair knew who he was. He had studied each of their faces so that if he were to ever meet one of them in public, he would know who it was. The torchlight danced across Aspen's warm skin. His lips were pressed together beneath his hooked nose and his dark hair was tied back in a bun. Aspen looked at Enair with surprisingly kind eyes for someone who was holding his sister captive.

Enair, however, did not lower his weapon. He also did not speak; he did not trust himself to.

"This is your last warning." One of the shadows moved, raising a bow in the air, pointing an arrow straight at Enair's heart. He did not pray that they would miss, for he knew they would not. None of them ever did. They had been trained too well for that.

"One day, you will all fall." Enair finally spoke, surprised that his voice did not waver. Behind the six, other shadows started to move. He couldn't tell if it was the knights of Perdita or the Ardere, awoken from their sleep. He hoped it was the later. "The King's crown will fall, and you will all go down with him. The one who bears the mark of flame will-"

Enair felt nothing when the arrow cut through his flesh.

The Seventh Flameजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें