Still, Aspen didn't care about the man's feelings. He started to envy Conan, who had been allowed to return to his room. Allowed to spend the rest of the night in peace. Aspen didn't often envy Conan, but there were times when he would gladly trade places with the younger boy.

"Has anyone tried asking him nicely before smashing his head into the ground?" Silas questioned, tilting up the man's chin. "I find that works nicely."

"Silas, try to be serious for once in your life." Aideen requested in a surprisingly calm voice, "This man knows where Callisto is."

"I don't-" The man started when Eira pushed past Silas and slapped him across the face.

"Enough with your lies." She spat, kneeling so that she could look into his blank eyes, "Tell me where you keep my sister."

"I told you I don't know, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." The man spat in Eira's face and behind her, Silas supressed a laugh, earning a slap in the back of the head from Aideen.

"I'll tell you what." Said Silas as Eira backed away to clean off her face, "I like to help people out, and I can help you out of this dreadful situation... for a price."

"Silas if you're suggesting what I think you're suggesting-"

"Let him speak." Lycus cut Aideen off, leaning forward in interest.

"As I was saying, I can help you. I have much sway with the King, we all do. Right now, you are looking death in the face, however, help us, and I can ensure you live for a few more years? How does that sound?" Although the man did not answer, it did not seem to drop Silas's spirits. Aspen wasn't sure Silas would be able to keep up his end of the bargain if the man accepted. There was a good chance Silas knew that too. No one cared that he would not hold to his word. They just wanted the information on how to find their sister, they did not care if promises were broken in doing so. Their word meant nothing here. "You say you don't know where Callisto is, and I believe you. Though, I do think you can tell us something of use. There must be a place you vermin hide out in, isn't there? A place you hold those you've taken captive. Tell me where that is, and I can help you."

"Promise you won't hurt anyone?" The man's voice was barely a whisper and Aspen could finally see proof of emotion in his eyes. Regret. If he spoke, he would become a traitor to everything he believed. If he did not, he would die.

"I will only make one promise tonight." Silas shook his head.

"Fine. I can't guarantee anything, but I think I know where you might be able to find her."

The man took his time telling his story. Adding unnecessary details and side-stories to confuse his listeners. It only annoyed Aspen; the man was wasting his time. The others cut in once in awhile, telling him to either expand on a certain point or hurry up and get to the point. It didn't make sense, having so many people trying to interrogate one man. They didn't need Aspen. He only took up needless space.

So, as soon as the man was finished spilling all that he knew, Aspen ducked away into the shadows. No one would notice he left. Not when they were so busy listening to Silas's gloating. Although the castle was now bursting at the seams with knights scouring for any more intruders, no one stopped him. The only signs that they saw him were a simple dip of their heads. They all knew Aspen's face.

Despite Aspen's relief of not being stopped, he still did not want to be seen slipping off into the night. He lingered at the bottom of the steps that led to the North Tower until there was no one in sight to watch him dart up the spiral stairs. He had not yet told anyone about his secret. There was something about having a secret no one know about, something special. Every aspect of his life felt planned or compelled and this... this was of his own making. His own feelings. It had not been forced upon him.

This secret was his and only his.

She sat with her back facing him, leaning out the single window at the top of the North Tower. The gentle breeze caused loose strands of dark hair to tumble down her back. Her silhouette shifted at the sound of Aspen's gentle footsteps and when she turned, her soft skin was illuminated by the dying candles at her side. His heart missed a beat.

"You're late." Saren tried to sound bitter, but a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth and a twinkle sparkled in her eyes. She never could keep a straight face. Not even in the most serious of times. That's what Aspen loved about her. It's what he envied about her. Her ability to bring such warmth to a cold room.

"The King was almost killed."

"That's a lousy excuse." She turned away from him again and looked out at the flickering lights of the lower city. "A true gentleman should never be late."

"My sincere apologies, how could I ever make it up to you." Aspen whispered in her ear and Saren squealed when he swept her into his arms and away from the window, forcing her eyes to meet his. It was hard to see the golden flecks in her dark, almost black eyes. Yet at this distance, Aspen could count each one.

"I'm not so sure you can." Saren stuck her chin up and titled her head back as Aspen leaned forward.

"There must be something." He grinned pulling her head back to his.

"Well... maybe..." Aspen kissed her before she had the chance to say whatever else it was she was about to say, and when he finally pulled away she grinned, accepting his apology.

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