3. You are not going

Start from the beginning

"And why not?"

"I am not here to explain shit to you. You are not going, and that's it," he hissed.

"Well, guess what. I don't need to listen to you. I am going and that's final. Your friend seemed to like me just fine, especially Luke. Oh, maybe I might even ask him out on a date or something."

Adrian suddenly grabbed my shoulder and then pushed me against the wall, his eyes burning into mine as anger flowed through them. "You wouldn't do such a thing. Stay away from my best friend."

"Or what? I might not have to do that because he looks like he wanted to ask me instead. So I will most likely say yes if he does," I barked.

I was not interested in Luke since I had someone back in Boston I was talking to, but Adrian was pissing me off, so I decided using Luke's name would be the perfect way to get back at him.

Adrian's grip tightened on my shoulders. "You will say no."

"You know what. Now that I think about it, I find him extremely attractive, so I will definitely say yes to him." I grinned.

Adrian stared at me intently for a moment, then suddenly pressed his lips on mine.

I didn't have the chance to speak or breathe as he moved his lips on mine. It wasn't soft and sweet like it was a year ago. It was rough and felt more like the mockery of a lover's kiss. It lasted for only four seconds. He released me and then looked at me with disgust as if he tasted something bitter.

"Hah, is this what I had been missing? I must've been braindead before if I thought you were any good back then," he chuckled, then let me go.

Don't cry, Meghan, don't give him the satisfaction, I told myself in my mind.

"Get out of my room," I said. I tried to make my voice sound cold but failed to hide the sadness I was feeling.

"Sure. Don't expect me to give you a ride," he barked.

"I can take care of myself," I said before pushing him out of the door.


I made sure I looked amazing before walking out the door.

I put on a crop top and paired it with shorts that showed off my long legs. If I was going to the party to spite Adrian, I needed to make sure Luke hit on me. I'll apologize to Luke later for leading him on, but for now, Adrian needed to know that I didn't give a shit about him or his opinions.

I already knew he would not change his mind about taking me, so I called myself an Uber. God...how I wished I had a car!

I was at Tiffany's house in less than thirty minutes. The door was cracked open, so I pushed right in. The music was blaring, and the room smelled heavily of liquor. As I walked through the crowd, I also smelled something else I wasn't quite fond of.

I looked around to see if I could find a familiar face but saw none. So I stood there in the middle of the room, feeling nervous among the sea of strangers who were either a drunk or high.

I didn't see Adrian anywhere. He must be running late.

"Maggie! Over here"

I breathed in relief as I heard Luke's friendly voice. Finally somebody I know. I walked to him immediately.

"Oh, thank God you found me!" I chirped.

"What are you doing by yourself? Didn't Adrian drive you here?" Luke furrowed his brows.

"No, I found my own ride. Hey, do you think you can take me home later?" I asked him. I didn't really know Luke well, but he was Adrian's best friend, so I could trust him, right?

"Of course. I would love to take you home after the party. But for now, let me get you a drink," Luke offered

I hesitated. I had only just turned nineteen, not quite the legal age. I didn't drink much when I was out with my friends back in Boston either.

"l am not sure," I told Luke. "Maybe I'll just grab a soda or something."

"Oh come on, it's a party. Wait here, I'll go make you something nice," Luke said and when to the table full of liquor. I stood alone again, looking around awkwardly. Still no sign of Adrian anywhere.

Luke came back in a minute and handed me a red cup. "Here, try this. It is my special mix."

"You are not trying to roofie me, are you?" I joked. A special drink, what does that even mean?

Luke let out a chuckle. "Gosh, Maggie. Imagine me drugging Adrian's sister. He would kill me!"

"I'm not so sure. He seems to hate me nowadays."

Luke narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, what the hell is up with that? Why does he act so mean to you all of a sudden? I remember last year he was always so very friendly with you. He was almost too protective over you."

I sighed. "I wish I knew the answer," I said.

"Maybe you should go talk to him. He had a few drinks, so he's feeling a bit more relaxed, so maybe he won't be as harsh this time," Luke smirked.

Luke is probably right. I should try to talk to him. "I don't know where he is," I said.

"I saw him walking out to the porch with Tiffany when I was getting your drink. I was gonna call him, but I remembered you were waiting, so I came here instead. They might still be out there, so you can go out and meet him."

I quickly thanked Luke and then walked toward the back door.

As soon as I walked out, I saw Adrian. Tiffany was there with him alright. She had her arms wrapped around his waist while he held her close. But before I could say anything, they started kissing.

I shouldn't interrupt. It would make him even angrier, I thought to myself, but then I remembered how he had been treating me this whole time. Why should I care if I ruin their perfect moment? I strode toward them and tapped him on the shoulder.

My Heartless StepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now