3. You are not going

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I don't know why I accepted Tiffany's invitation. Our first meeting wasn't exactly pleasant. Sure, she acted all sweet and friendly afterward, but her initial greeting of me was cold, especially when she saw me sitting near Adrian.

I suppose that's understandable, considering she was his girlfriend. I hadn't thought to ask if he had a girlfriend.

"A party sounds great. It'll give you a chance to make some new friends," mom said.

I nodded in agreement.

"Besides, Adrian will be there, so you won't be alone," she added.

I wasn't so sure about that. It seems that Adrian hated me, so he would be less than thrilled to have me around. He did not like it when I talked to his friends.

"I don't think he likes me anymore," I laughed and tried to make it out to be a joke but deep inside, I knew it was the truth.

"Don't be silly. Why wouldn't he like you? You guys were so close before you moved out! I told you, he is going through something, so he was just in a bad mood. It'll pass, and then you two will be best friends again. You will see," mom smiled reassuringly.

"You mentioned this before. What exactly is he going through?" I asked her directly. He seemed fine to me, laughing and hanging out with his friends.

"He had been down in the dumps this past year, but he wouldn't tell us why. Steve and I think he is depressed." Mom shook her head.

Depressed? Adrian? He didn't seem like the type. Was he that upset about the things I said to him a year ago? No, that can't be it.

"What was he so depressed about?"

"He won't tell us. He was falling behind in school and refused to go out with his friends. Even when a girl tried to visit him, he wouldn't see her."

She must be talking about Tiffany. "His girlfriend?" I asked.

"I wouldn't say that since he never bothered introducing her to us." Mom shrugged.

I didn't ask her any more questions and went back to my room. The party was in a few hours, so I needed to decide what to wear and how to get there. Tiffany told me to ride with Adrian, but he just left me behind the last time he was asked, so I didn't know I trusted him anymore.

A soft knock on my door startled me.

"It's open!"

I was surprised to see Adrian walk in. I didn't think he ever wanted to speak to me again.

"You have a minute?" he asked dryly.

"Yeah. What's up?"

"I don't want you to come to the party, so I think you should sit this one out. Make some excuse and tell everyone you are feeling sick or something," he said.

The tone of his voice indicated that he was making the decision for me and didn't care about my opinion. What an arrogant asshole!

"Are you for real? You can't tell me what to do. Tiffany invited me, so I am going," I snapped.

He walked inside and slammed the door behind him. "Tiffany did that out of pity. Do you really think she likes you? Well, newsflash, Meg, no one really cares whether you show up, so save us both the embarrassment and stay home."

"And who are you to tell me what I can or cannot do?" I countered. Seriously, who does he think he is!

"They are my friends, and I don't want them to associate with you." Adrian inched closer.

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