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"So by the sounds of it, you're already very familiar with the museum," Mary says as you walk side by side through the galleries and halls. 

"Yes!" You beam back.  "Museums are my absolute favourite! My comfort place."

"Well, glad to hear."

"I'm glad." It had been made more than clear to you many times before how boring people thought your likes were. How boring you were. 

On your lunch break you check out the café as well as the gift shop. There's so much to see! That's one thing you love about museums - one of the many things - there's always something new and everything is always changing, but none of that charm ever fades. 

You go to the café first and then the gift shop. All the items instantly grab your attention in the shop, especially those oriented towards the Ancient Egypt part of the museum. Candies, plush deities, jewelry - the shop had it all. 

There's movement behind the counter and a man - an employee - takes up his post behind the till. "Doing all right?"

"Yeah, thanks - how's the sugar trade going?" You nod  to the candy lining the counter.

"Oh, I don't know what this has to even do with Egypt, really. I mean they didn't have that back then, did they, nope. They liked figs and dates and such."

You instantly recognize him.  "Oh, you were on the bus this morning - the route through Trafalgar Square."

He's recognized you too. "Oh, yes, sorry about that -" He looks down at the floor, smiling through an embarrassed flush.

Oh, your intention definitely wasn't to embarrass him any further, you were just excited to recognize him.  Small world, after all. "Oh no, no that's fine, really I just - funny that we should end up in the same place in the end."

"Yeah - are you new?" He nods to your staff ID. 

"I am," you confirm. "Just started today."

"Oh excellent! Well welcome! Steven Grant." He holds out one of his hands for you to shake, tapping his own proudly displayed ID badge with the other.

You reach out yourself and shake his outstretched hand.  "Y/N Y/L/N."

"Stevie!" You jump at a sharp interjection by a woman in a suit across the room.  "Stop nattering, we've got customers!" By  the looks of it, a school group has just finished a tour and the teachers are allowing the students to look around the shop.

"Sorry Donna!" he calls back. He looks embarrassed back at you. It's so sweet. "Sorry, that's my boss."

Hmm, well so far she didn't seem quite as calm and inviting as Mary. "I'd better leave you-" The customer traffic in the shop was picking up. "Nice meeting you again, Steven. See you 'round."

"Yeah, you as well - laters gators!"

'Laters gators' - you liked that. "Maybe we'll see each other on the bus again."

"Hope so!" Then he's distracted from you as a queue of students has formed at the till, arms full of plush toys and candy. 

With a smile, you exit the shop and leave the sweet and endearing employee. 


After meeting Steven, you thought you might run into him on the way to the bus station, or at the station itself, at the end of the day on your way home. You did not, however. You were slightly disappointed by this  - you had just met him, but he had certainly been the most personable coworker you had met that day. 

What a day it had been - what a first day of your great new job! You can't wait to see where it will lead. 

You're actually feeling fairly exhausted after the day so you go to bed early, feeling refreshed and ready for another day once you wake up the next morning. 

When you board the bus and search for a spot to sit or stand for the duration of the ride, you quickly spot your coworker about halfway down. You sit across the aisle, until the seat next to  him frees up. 

He's asleep. You realize as you sit down next to him. His head is resting against the window, his breathing deep and body hunched, his mouth hanging open slightly. He looks so peaceful. Perhaps he caught the earlier bus in hopes of saving himself from the scrutiny of his boss. Despite only witnessing it briefly the previous day, you can tell his boss treating him in such a way is a constant occurrence and feel a pang of sadness for him. 

The stop before the museum one arrives, and Steven doesn't stir - he's barely moved the whole ride. You hate to wake him, but he'll sleep right through and miss the stop...

Gingerly, you reached out, hesitating before placing gently fingers to his arm.  "Steven?"

"Ah!" He shoots awake, startling you and the passenger sitting in front of you both.  "Oh! Oh - it's you-" Steven flashes you a sleepy smile. Then that smile quickly falls when he realizes his current situation - the current predicament. "Oh bugger-"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," you quickly tell him.  "I just didn't want you to miss our stop."

"Oh, thank you! Donna will have my head if I keep being late! God, I'm a mess-" He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand - had he been drooling while in his peaceful slumber? - and scrambles to gather his belongings just as the bus pulls up to the stop. 

You both call your thanks to the driver and step off and out into the street together. 

"Sorry about that," Steven says as the bus drives off, leaving you both.

"Oh, no, don't be. Don't apologize."

"I have a hell of a time sleeping," he explains. "Catches up to me during the day."

"I'm sorry, that must be difficult. Can I get you a coffee? A tea?"

"Oh, that's very kind, but you don't have to-" 

"Sure. I was going to get one anyway."

Struck by your kindness, he accepts, offering much thanks.  "Enjoying the new job so far?" he asks you as you stroll side by side with your coffees.

"Yes, very much."

"I'm glad, it's a great place to work."

"How long have you worked there?"

"Oh, just a few months, not long myself.  I'd really love to be a tour guide."

"Oh yes!" you agree.  "That would be brilliant!"

"But they weren't hiring for that role, so the shop it is.  It's all right, except for my boss - don't tell her I said that."

You giggle.  "My lips are sealed." 

You've reached the museum now - time for you to step into your professional roles. 

"Thanks again for the coffee, and saving me on the bus," he says again. "Nice running into you again, Y/N." 

"Same to you. See you around, Steven."

"Laters gators." 

"Laters." You share one last smile before you both turn and go your separate ways for the day. 

(Thank you so much for all the reads already! Glad folks seem to be enjoying so far! :)

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! More to come soon! :))

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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