blood truck

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                                                                          -y/n's pov-

i ended up going to sleep after Ethan walked me home, and now I'm getting ready for school. Since school is so close i usually just walk, I get to school, i started thinking about last night, there are vampires here... I walk over to my locker, Ethan walks over to me as I put my books away. "Hey y/n, are you feeling okay?" he asked, I look at him, "yeah I'm okay.. I guess I'm just still in shock.." I say, I see Rory obviously trying to sneak past me, "is Rory okay?" i asked, "I'm not sure, I'll go check" he says before running off.

Lunch is usually where I can talk to my friends, I see Ethan, but I don't see Benny, "hey Ethan, where's Benny?" i asked, "he's donating some of his blood because the doctors are hot." Ethan rolled his eyes, I rolled my eyes too "such a player!" i say, we both laugh, "so any news about Rory? every time we've seen each other he's been try to ignore me." i frowned, "I think its because you found out he's a vampire, maybe he's scared you won't see him the same?" Ethan suggested, i nod, "hm, maybe, well thanks anyway! try to keep Benny from losing too much blood!" i joked, and waved goodbye as i started walking away.

                                                                       -Rory's pov-

I've been trying to avoid y/n, they weren't supposed to know i was a vampire, i was just trying to protect them... I feel really bad for scaring them so badly, but I think the last thing they want is a conversation with a vampire...

Gosh... people are donating blood.. its like a buffet! I think Erica had a similar idea, she pulled me to the side, "you have to get me inside of their truck.." she said, I didn't know how i was going to do it but I didn't want to upset Erica.

                                                                           -y/n pov-

I stood with Ethan in line to donate his blood, he told me he was scared of needles, so i was just here for emotional support, he sat down as she prepared to take some of his blood, he had a really strange reaction, his eyes were almost glowing... the nurse couldn't get a pint in time and she had to pack up.

"y/n we need to find Benny!" Ethan said, i placed a hand on his shoulder, "Ethan what happened...?" i asked, Ethan sighed, "I forgot to mention that I'm a seer, i have visions... and the vision i just had the nurses were vampires..." he said, my eyes widened, "o-okay, so you're a seer and vampire just took a bunch of the students blood-" i say nervously, Ethan looks at me, "it's going to be okay, we are going to figure this out, we have to find Benny." Ethan says.

We end up going to Benny's house, they had all kinds of weapons to fight against vampires. "Oh my gosh guys is this really necessary?" i ask, they both look at me, "of course it is... vampires can be dangerous.." Benny said, "not all of them though.." Ethan reassured you, i nod as we left Benny's house with the weapons, "we can find where the truck is based on the gps i put in Rory's backpack." Benny said, "what does Rory have to do with this..?" i asked, "oh we think him and Erica are planning on stealing the blood in the truck." Benny said nonchalantly, wow okay, "who's Erica?" i asked, "oh just some hot chick who also happens to be a vampire and Rory basically does whatever she wants-" Benny said, "Benny! dude- really??" Ethan yelled, "so he has like.. a crush on her-" i asked, "lets just figure out what's going on-" Ethan said.

We find the blood truck, i don't know why i was dragged along to this... Ethan holds his gun up, "stand behind me.." he says, i do as he says. the two vampire nurses from the school show up, Sarah just starts hissing at them, "stealing from your own kind... the council will be hearing about this-" Sarah started fighting with one of them, and Ethan ended up pinning one down, The nurse had ahold of Sarah, "what is that smell..." the nurse that's under Ethan's foot asked, "my blood..." he said throwing the cotton ball with his blood on it at the nurse, "one pint of your blood is worth more than that entire truck..." she said to him, gosh who knew Ethans blood was so special, "okay well you can have a pint of my blood in exchange for my friends, and you never return to White Chapel..." Ethan said, "deal.." Sarah ended up taking his blood because Ethan trusts her.

Benny ran out of the truck and was holding a weird looking remote, he tried to unlock the back door of the truck to let Erica and Rory out, but the nurse just open the door after several of Benny's failed attempts, when she opened the door we all saw Rory and Erica kissing, "it's not what it looks like" Erica said frantically looking around, "he wouldn't shut up... kissing him actually seemed less annoying!" Erica said, i made eye contact with Rory but I instantly looked away and frowned.

i decided to walk home, after this whole thing i needed a break... as i was walking home i felt a very familiar gust of wind, i looked to see what it was, "Rory?" i asked, and there he was the adorable blonde vampire looking at me, "hello..." he said in a shy tone, "hey!" i said smiling at him, he instantly smiled back at me, getting closer to me as we walked, "why aren't you with Erica? you guys seem super close-" i say, i frowned slightly, "oh Erica, she doesn't like me, she just told me that she'd do anything if i shut up so she kissed me!" he said proudly, but instantly regrated saying that, "oh but uh... i don't like her that much-" he said nervously, I didn't really say anything, "y/n?" he asked, I looked over at him, "what?" i asked, "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you..." he frowned, "but why have you been avoiding me?" i asked, his frown became wider, "Rory..." i say placing a hand on his shoulder, he instantly looks up at me, "I just... I'm-" he struggled to talk, i take his hand in mine, there was a bench close by so i took him to it and we sat down. "Rory.. please talk to me.." i say, Rory looked at you with sadness, "y/n I'm a monster... you weren't supposed to know I'm a vampire, so you probably hate me, I was stupid to think you wanted to talk to me and-" i kissed his cheek, wow that really does get him to stop talking. "w-what was that for..?" he asked, i smiled, "I don't care that you're a vampire Rory, i still want to hang out with you, I like hanging out with you.." I say, placing my hand on his cheek. he blushed and started to levitate again, i giggled and pushed him back down, "you really mean all of that??" he had a huge smile on his face, "of course i do!" i say as i reach in for a hug, he immediately hugs me back, it was a tight hug but super nice.

                                                                    -Rory's pov-

I'm so happy, y/n makes me so happy! they hugged me and made me feel better, i really really like them, i hope me kissing Erica didn't ruin my chance with y/n... we finally let go of each other, I was still smiling so much, i can't stop! They were also smiling a lot, "y/n i want to show you something!" i say, i wrap my arm around their waist, "is this okay?" i asked blushing, "yeah! but what are we-" before they could finish talking i flew up into the sky, i quickly put them down because they seemed scared. "oh my god... that was-" i was kind of worried they'd be upset with me... "AWESOME!" they yelled! i giggled at them, they are so cute-

"okay Rory, i should probably go home-" y/n said, they smiled softly at me, "can i fly you there!?" i ask eagerly, "sure!" they say, i jumped with joy and softly wrapped my arm around their waist, i flew them all the way to their house. "you're so cool Rory!" y/n laughed, "that was incredible!" they yelled, "you think I'm cool?" i smiled, "the coolest!" they said, they kissed my cheek again, "thank you for taking me home Rory..." they said smiling, "o-of course y/n!" I smiled, "anytime!" I say sighing happily.

A/N: HEY! i hope you're enjoying the story so far, I LOVE writing it :DD

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