Done !

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You walked backstage to see Rudy kissing one of your backup dancers and ina. Fit of rage you ran up to her and started punching her in a frenzy and security took her away from you

Rudy : yn wai-
You slapped him
Y/n: don't just don't we're done
Rudy: please listen
Y/n: you have one minite
Rudy: I don't know what happened she just kissed me
Y/n: you kissed back
Y/n: we're done I don't wanna see you right now

You walked away and stormed out of there and drew and Austin were outside

Drew: yn what's wrong ?
Y: me and Rudy are done
Austin : why?
Y: I'll explain later just please get me out of here I don't wanna go home tonight
Drew : I know where we can go
You got into a car and drove off and got to Drew's holiday house and went inside
Y: I need a smoke

You and Austin went outside into the eating area and Drew followed behind with three glasses and a bottle of whiskey and handed you a pack of smokes from his pocket he poured you all a glass and you swallowed it whole and he refilled it and you lit a cigarette

A: okay so what happened ?
Y: okay so I was done with taking photos and stuff so I went backstage and saw him kissing one of my backup dancers
D: did you hear him out
Y: yes he said he didn't know what happened she kissed him but he still kissed back

You looked at your hand with the ring still on it and took it off and threw it into the pool

D: I know it's not the time but he texted me
Y: what did he say

Rudy: "hey bro I'm wasted and this dancer chick kissed me and yn saw idk what to do"

Y: let me guess "it was a one time thing" "he didn't know what he was thinking" oh shit music
You ran to your book and wrote it all down aswell as some other lyrics for some other songs

You all went to bed and the next day you headed to the studio to do music because it's what calms you down

Manager: yn hey where's your ring
Y: oh that yeah that's over
M: what do you mean
Y: long story I'll explain soon for now I just wanna relax and write music
M: that's fine no rush for anything okay I'm here for you

A few hours later you finished doing your music and went back for the big house and acted like nothing had happened

A few months later you and Rudy still wasn't together but you came to an agreement to look good on camera so it wouldn't jeopardise his career because you still cared about him

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