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Drew: wanna be mischievous?
Y: always
D: okay so here's the plan.....

Drew told you the plan and you agreed

Throughout the day you and drew was playing little pranks on everyone in the house untill the evening arrived and everyone got wasted

Madlyn and chase went off to the hideaway as they wanted a night to themselves  and everyone ran off to bed 

M c and chases room :

There laying in bed and see somthing fly across the room

Chase: wtf was that
M c : omg it's some sort of bug

Chase and Madeline proceeded to screen trying to get rid of the bug and you Rudy drew and Austin was still awake and heard it you and drew tip toed downstairs while Austin helped them get rid of the bug  and you and drew snuck in and hid in the wardrobe

Eventually they got back into bed and you you both kissing voices to decided to jump out before they escalated it and they screamed at the top of there lungs waking everyone else in the house up and you and drew are there laughing and couldn't stop

J d : wtf is going on
M b : yall woke us up

They notified what happened and started laughing and they went back to bed you Austin and drew were in the living room  and Austin then wondered off to bed leaving you and drew alone talking

They notified what happened and started laughing and they went back to bed you Austin and drew were in the living room  and Austin then wondered off to bed leaving you and drew alone talking

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( the two ppl are you and drew)

D: so it's been a while since we fucked huh
Y: yeah forgot what it was like
D: want me to make you remember ?

He lent in and kissed you

And eventually you worked your way to the sofa and ended up having sex on there eventually after you went to bed  ready for the next day

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And eventually you worked your way to the sofa and ended up having sex on there eventually after you went to bed  ready for the next day

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