Chapter 34: Merry Christmas

Start from the beginning

"Alright, anything else?"

"Nothing in regards to the school." Harry blinked. Why couldn't Snape just speak clearly? He was almost worse than Marvolo when he wanted to be evasive.

"Well, then what else is there not in regards to the school?"

Snape glanced at the tree and stockings once more. "Potter...are you aware of the amount of influence you hold over the Dark Lord?"


"The influence you hold, the power that the Dark Lord has allowed you."

"I mean we're allies," Harry said slowly. Snape narrowed his eyes and pierced Harry with a glare that had Harry rushing to defend himself, even though he didn't know what he was defending himself from. "He listens to me, sure, but I mean I listen to him too. And it's not like he always does what I suggest. I mean, I don't either. But we're partners. You listen to your partner. I don't have any more power than any of his other allies and partners."

Snape stared at him and Harry shifted, feeling highly uncomfortable under his former professor's gaze. "There are no other partners, Potter. You are the only partner that the Dark Lord has allowed in all of his years of leadership." There was silence and Harry fidgeted again. "Are you aware that the Dark Lord is intending to give you a Christmas gift?"

"Really?" Harry asked, perking up in eager excitement. Marvolo was going to give him a gift? Immediately, Harry flushed at the incredulous stare Snape gave him. "I mean, I didn't ask him to do that. It's really nice of him to plan that."

"Exactly, you didn't ask him, and yet he is."

Harry stared at Snape, who returned the stare. "I mean it's really nice of him," Harry said again after another minute of extended staring. He was tempted to ask Snape what Marvolo was getting him but decided against it.

"Nice? You believe the Dark Lord is... nice ?"

"Well, I mean not to everyone, I suppose. But to me, as I said, we're allies, partners. He has a reason to be nice to me."

"Potter..." Snape stopped and pursed his lips. "The Dark Lord does not have partners, he certainly doesn't buy gifts for people, he does not allow people to reside in his home, nor does he allow others to interrupt him during a meeting...."

"Well — but...we are partners..." Harry said but it sounded weak to his own ears.

"What kind of partners are you exactly?"

Harry frowned. What was Snape trying to say? Why couldn't he just speak clearly? Snape stood abruptly then, muttering under his breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. Harry's frown deepened, picking up the words 'pining', 'oblivious', and 'school'. Harry stood as well, but he didn't know what to say. What was Snape on about? The poor man probably needed more this holiday break more than anyone. Maybe it was the stress of a spy?

"Well, thanks for the update. I suppose I'll see you at the Yule Ball," Harry offered and Snape sneered again but it lacked almost all venom. The man looked more tired now.

"Yes, I suppose I shall need to be in attendance for that. Until then, Potter." Harry moved to sit in his favorite seat in the library after Snape swept out dramatically.

Finally alone, Harry let his thoughts drift: nerves regarding tomorrow, confusion about Dumbledore, eager anticipation for Christmas morning, a strange fluttering in his stomach at the thought of Marvolo getting him a present, and trepidation regarding his own gift for the Dark Lord. Why was Snape so insistent about how Marvolo was getting him a present, how no one else had been considered a partner, how strange it apparently was for Harry to consider Marvolo nice. His swirling embarrassment, jealousy, giddiness, and confusion compounded on each other, adding to a growing headache but he felt there was something there, just out of reach. An understanding, a clarity, an epiphany that kept slipping through his fingers. An hour later, Harry was no closer to sorting his own thoughts and emotions but it was time for dinner, so he shoved it all aside. He would try and ask Hermione or Ginny when he next saw them at the Yule Ball. They were better at understanding emotions and picking up on things. They would hopefully help everything make sense.

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