Chapter 33: Thank You, Marvolo

Start from the beginning

So Marvolo understood that at the basest level he was just feeling the same possessive rage he'd always held when what he had was spoken of with disdain. But this understanding did little to alleviate his inner turmoil about why everything he experienced was heightened to an unlawful degree whenever Harry was concerned.

"Does anyone else wish to comment on my decision to allow Lord Potter the opportunity to decorate?"

"No, My Lord, a most wise decision," Lucius insisted. Marvolo refrained from rolling his eyes at the blatant simpering.

Glancing at the clock on the far wall, Marvolo decided to start moving the meeting forward. Dinner would be soon and he didn't like to be late and keep Harry waiting. "Avery, report." Luckily there weren't many things to go over, so the reports were swift. Everything was going smoothly and most people were starting to forget he had ever returned. The idiocy of the populace was astonishing. The meeting had drawn to an end and Marvolo had admittedly only listened with half an ear, most of his thoughts on that night.

"My Lord," Rabastan said in the silence. If it wasn't Lucius then Rabastan would be the next up to draw attention to himself. "May I be free to speak?" Curious, Marvolo nodded his head. It was rare that his followers initiated the desire to speak freely. Usually, he was the one to grant it. "Forgive me, but it appears you have been distracted this afternoon. Are things not going as planned with the dark creatures?"

Marvolo thought about how to answer that and let the silence stretch, allowing his followers to panic and sweat the longer he thought. Did he wish to seek advice from these men? They might actually provide something useful, but could he lower himself to ask? What was Harry always saying? Being a human wasn't a degradation of his reputation. If things did not go the way he wished, he'd just obliviate them all of the entire encounter.

"The creatures are coming along nicely. No, this is not what is on my mind," he finally answered, he felt an anxious bubble start to swell in his chest at the thought of opening up to his most faithful followers.

"Is there anything we can do to assist you, My Lord?" Avery asked eagerly.

"Yes," he said in a drawn-out hiss that he knew terrified his followers. "Your insight might be of use. It has been made clear to me that it is necessary to purchase Christmas gifts for allies."

"My Lord, I do not believe any ally of yours would expect or demand a gift from you," Rodolphous said.

"No, they would not," Marvolo agreed readily. Harry had never asked Marvolo to purchase him anything, merely stated that he would be getting him one. He certainly had no plans to buy Fenrir one. "And none have demanded such a thing."

"Is this in regards to Lord Potter?" Severus asked softly, his dark eyes narrowed and he looked a bit ill.

"Lord Potter insinuated he would be purchasing me a gift," Marvolo admitted. "Well, he inquired repeatedly about what I might wish to receive before blatantly stating his intentions. He isn't the best at remaining subtle," Marvolo said with a fond amusement that was met with bewildered stares and blinks from the men before him.

"This is expected of an ally of yours to purchase you a gift, however, if he has not demanded one in return then why do you feel the need?" Lucius asked.

"Why I feel the need is not the matter we are discussing," Marvolo said harshly, before swallowing hard. "The matter we are discussing is...what I should get him."

"My Lord, why do you not just ask him yourself?" Avery asked. "You have already said, he has asked you already."

"I did not provide him with any assistance in purchasing a gift, and I feel that he would return the favor of being equally difficult out of some Gryffindor spite." In fact, Marvolo was almost certain Harry would do so. He would grin in that cheeky, mischievous way, his eyes glittering and smugly withhold any information about what he might want.

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