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"For fuck's sake Innie, can you stop eating as if you're blowing Armin in his titan form?" Jisung squinted his eyes at the youngest, who just shoved an entire cupcake to his mouth.

"Bitch, titans don't have dicks." Said Seungmin, rolling his eyes.

"Doesn't change the fact that he eats like he's practicing deep throat for some fifteen inches." Jisung scowled.

The youngest just glared at Jisung, not being able to speak at the moment with his mouth still full.

"Anyway, Lixie, I think you should dump that bitch now. It doesn't matter if he's drunk, and it's just a one-time thing. If that dickhead had done it once, what would stop him from doing it again? There's no excuse for cheating." Said his twin, with all seriousness. Jisung barely gets like this and Felix knows that his friend had been really worried, if not angry right now. "I really can't believe you just told us now. This is so annoying!"

Felix just called some of his friends one afternoon after avoiding them for several days. He can feel that Jisung was about to kick his doors down if he goes on with his unusually weird antics. Besides, he felt like he needed to let it all out now to at least have someone to talk to.

And there, he now has three.

So he told them what happened.

"I agree for once with Jisung-hyung, Lix-hyung." Adds Jeongin who just finished swallowing his food. "That Nigel bitch should be banished. He doesn't belong anywhere near you, not when he's that ugly."

Both dumb twins nod, making Seungmin roll his eyes again.

"Jokes aside though," started Seungmin, "I'm glad it came out this early." He murmured, earning a questioning look from the three.

"What do you mean?" Asked Jisung, "do you know anything about this?"

Seungmin nods, his eyes cast downwards. "I'm truly sorry, Felix. I wanted to tell you sooner." He shifted his gaze back to Felix, and all the freckled boy can see is guilt and pure sincerity in Seungmin's, "No, fuck that. I wanted to warn you, to stop you for a long time, but I don't even know if you will listen to me. We weren't close then."

Felix's brows furrowed, not sure if he understood what Seungmin was trying to say.

Seungmin sighed, "Hear me out first, okay?" Everyone nodded, Seungmin continued, "You see, Nigel has this weird relationship with his roommate, Kevin was it?" He tilted his head, "anyway, they always have this weird vibe, you know what I mean? The sexual tension between them is so strong, it's almost a third person. It's disgusting. And I swear, I've wanted to warn you about it, but Changbin and Chan-hyung went against it. They told me that it wasn't our business, also we couldn't really intervene since first, like I said, we weren't really close then. There's a huge possibility that you'll just think that I'm making up shit, and you'll just end up hating us. And second, Nigel never really confirmed nor denied anything, and so does Kevin so..." Seungmin shrugged as he dragged the last word then took a deep breath, as if he got short of breath from explaining, "I took up the opportunity to just let you see it with your own eyes. I wasn't drunk back then."

"So, this has been going on for that long?" Jisung was the one to first, breaking the silence that dragged on after Seungmin's confession.

"Yeah, since freshman year, I guess." Their friend replied.

"That cunt." Jeongin gritted his teeth. "How did you know, by the way? And why are you telling us, aren't you his friend?"

"No! What the fuck?" Seungmin grimaces. "I never considered him as a friend, more like a pest." He rolls his eyes. "I never liked him, I just tolerated his existence. And I've known, since that prick is Chan-hyung's cousin. He hangs out with us from time to time. It just so happened that when we met you guys, he was also with us, but that's not a natural occurrence. It's mostly just the three of us." Seungmin leaned his back on the backrest of the couch, but his eyes never left them.

"I see." Jisung shifted his gaze back to a very silent Felix who looked so confused, "like I was saying, dump that dick."

Jeongin nodded his head aggressively, once again agreeing with the squirrel boy, "Hyunjin-hyung's probably bigger anyway." The maknae then wiggled his brows suggestively.

They all burst out laughing, except Felix, who tilted his head on the side as if asking more questions in his head.

"Why's Hyunjin getting dragged into this? And what's bigger?" He asks innocently. His thoughts jumped from one jumbled thought to another.

All his friends guffawed, cooing at him and his naivety.

"Let's just drink. Let's get so fucking drunk 'till we pass out." Jisung suggests, getting up from his seat as he wiped away the tears that squeezed out of his eyes from laughing too much.

"Yeah, let's just get drunk, Felix, then dump that dick. You have a better one waiting anyway." Seungmin stated meaningfully, earning chuckles from the other two.

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