The first kiss.

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Eli and I have been dating for two and a half weeks. We have done most of the basics, you know like holding hands and watching movies. Late night drives in his car and laying in the grass looking at the stars. But even after all of that he still hasn't kissed me. I can't help but feel like it is something wrong with me. I have thought about asking him why he won't kiss me. Honestly I am afraid of what his answer will be. I know that he has been through a lot and it may be harder for him to connect with me. I just want him to be able to be comfortable with me. Eli and I were laying on my bed watching a movie that I had picked out since it was my turn to pick the movie. We were watching the movie Charlotte's Web, even though I knew he hated every movie I chose because they weren't dark and scary. We were cuddling like usual with me as the little spoon as we held hands.

E- What is the point in watching a movie like this?

M-It's a classic Eli. It is a heartwarming story about the life of farm animals.

E-Ok...But where is the drama? The suspense? The pain?

M-There is drama see the pig's life is at risk. The suspense is trying to figure out if the words on the web will work or not. See the aspects you want are there they are just not there in the way you expect.

E-There is no way that you actually believe that the pig is actually going to die in the end of a children's movie. This movie is not enjoyable for anyone over the age of 8. And that is pushing it.

M-I enjoy it, it's sweet and adorable.

E-Much like you. I felt my heart flutter at the sound of his words. I turned around and ran my fingers through his hair he let out a deep breath and smiled with his eyes closed, I could tell that he was about to fall asleep. It's always better to talk to him when he tired because he is the most loving then.

M-Hey, E?


M-Is there something I did wrong? Eli opened his eyes and sat up with me as I looked him in the eyes.

E-No why is everything ok?

M-Yeah it's just that we have been dating for a while now and we haven't even kissed. I was just wondering if that was my fault. If it is then I can do whatever you want me to do to fix it. Eli put his hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes with love.

E-There is nothing that you have done wrong. Everything you do is perfect all of the time. I just didn't want to push you do to anything too serious, but if you are ready for us to have our first kiss then so am I. And if you want to wait, I will too.

M-I don't want to wait anymore Eli. He rubbed his thumb across my cheek, I closed my eyes as I felt his breath on my face as I leaned forward and our lips touched. His lips were soft and warm, as he continued the kiss he kept his hand on my cheek. In that moment I felt more safe and comfortable than I ever have before. We pulled away and he smiled the brightest smile I had ever seen on him.

E-Wow, why did we wait so long to do that.

M-Because you are so sweet. Can we do that just one more time please. I whispered and bit my lip as our faces were still so close. He sighed and rolled his eyes with a smirk.

E-Well if you insist. He smiled and pecked my lips three times.

~Time skip~

Eli and I have been dating for a month and three days now and we have been kissing regularly and it feels good be loved this much by someone who is worth the time.

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