Chapter 5: NEW HOME

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Lyssa laid unmoving on the floor of the white padded cell that she now called home. A home that she didn't like or want. Her family -more accurately part of her family- used to come and see her. Erika, on one of her first visits, informed Lyssa on how everyone took Anton's decision. In the days after Lyssa's mind shattered, Anton pushed to send Lyssa to a mental institution. He was certain that Lyssa was a danger to herself, others, and most importantly his reputation. Liam thought that it would be for the best; As long as she was sent to a place that would care for her. Erika didn't like it at all. She insisted that, if Anton wanted to get rid of Lyssa that badly, she would take Lyssa to one of her many safe houses. Anton declined, saying that somehow Lyssa would escape Erika and bodies would drop soon after. Selene was livid, mostly because Anton didn't tell her at all until the deed was done. Things were thrown, priceless vases shattered, and furniture smashed to pieces. Selene was never allowed to know of Lyssa's location. Anton knew that, if Selene ever found where Lyssa was imprisoned, Selene would slaughter anyone who dared to get in her way of saving her daughter. Erika and Liam stopped visiting months after Lyssa harshly expressed her hate for them because they 'left her in here'. Kai was still missing, but everyone wrote it off as him just getting in trouble again. Lyssa knew better. 

The metal door of her padded box squeaked as it was pulled open. A tall, heavy muscled man stepped through. His white orderly uniform stretched tight around his muscles. He picked Lyssa up with ease and threw her over his shoulder. It wasn't like Lyssa could fight back much anyway, her arms were bound closely to her by the straitjacket that made her arms hurt if she moved the wrong way. As she was carried like a sack of potatoes down the asylum hallway, her Vampire hearing allowed her to eavesdrop on some of the other 'patients'. She heard howling from one cell, incoherent witch chanting from another, and a new sound drifted to her ears; Hissing.

Lyssa was too busy theorizing about what creature the hissing could belong to, that she didn't even realize when the brute roughly threw Lyssa onto a metal chair. She guessed that he was still upset over the small dick comment she made the last week. Large white paneled walls boxed her in. A two-way mirror, that spanned the length of the entire left wall, displayed Lyssa's reflection. She looked terrible, felt worse. Even though her father paid off the head 'doctor' to keep her fed, she was always hungry. A metal table stood in front of her, a silver metal chair on the other side. Empty. Minutes passed like hours, and Lyssa wondered how long he would keep her waiting. A faint boom was heard by Lyssa, followed by the slight flickering of the fluorescent lights in the ceiling. Thunder? Lyssa thought.

The door behind her opened once more, it was him. Dr. Roman Fairhope. 

His hands were occupied with a clipboard and a file was placed on top of it

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His hands were occupied with a clipboard and a file was placed on top of it. Her file. He looked upset as he sat in the chair across from Lyssa. He hadn't gotten the answers he was looking for from her yet, and he was getting impatient. Dr. Fairhope opened Lyssa's file on the table, opened the clip of the clipboard, and clicked the pen he retrieved from it, ready to write any notes on the paper on the board. He looked at Lyssa,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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