25: Ric & Jo's Wedding

Start from the beginning

My sister asked for her son and I handed him over. She said something about going to call Bonnie who still wasn't here. Stefan sat down next to me, taking my hand. "I know you didn't want me to say anything to Damon, but I had to. He's my brother," he said and I nodded.

"I know," I whispered, moving closer to him. "I was trying to protect you from facing it too early, but I truly believe he's going to do it."

"You do?" He frowned.

"I love being a vampire. But if you were human, I'd give it up," I explained, pressing my forehead against his and climbing into his lap. "I love you more than anything. More than being strong. I fell in love with you, when I was weak and at my lowest. But I wouldn't have given you up to feel the way I do today. You're the reason, I am in a better place."

Stefan smiled sadly, "I'd give up anything for you too."

I gave him a matching halfhearted smile, staring into his eyes. Realization was, we were losing Damon. Maybe not technically, and maybe not today but him being human changed our perspective. Hell, it changed everything. "I love you," I said, pressing my lips to Stefan's.

"I love you too," he said, kissing me again, deeper. I moaned softly, slipping my hands into his soft hair. God, I missed this. Just falling into one another. Not because of longing, sexual frustration or after a fight. We were two people in love caught up in a moment.

"There's an hour until the wedding," I panted against Stefan's mouth.

"No," he mumbled back but then kissed me hungrily.

I tugged on his hair, pulling from his mouth, "I'm in a dress. We won't be late."


"Please, daddy," I purred, biting his earlobe.

"That's not always going to work," he groaned, his hands slipping up my dress, up my thighs.

"As long as it works today," I whispered back before kissing down his neck.


Stefan and I shared a look as Elena and Damon came stumbling into the wedding room. We were waiting for the two. Along with Matt and Bonnie who haven't shown. Couldn't be reached either. And the wedding was going to start without the best man and my twin. But here they are.

"Well, I hope it was worth it," Caroline hissed as Elena picked some straw out of Damon's hair.

"We should've done it in a barn," Stefan whispered to me.

"You always get adventurous in the dirties places," I grumbled, giving him a disgusted look.

"You guys too?" Damon smirked.

"Wedding magic," I laughed and he held up a hand for a high five. Stefan shook his head and Elena tried to stop us. But it didn't work.

"She couldn't keep her paws off me," Damon winked.

"Ick, gross! Guys! Not the time, okay? Have you seen Bonnie or Matt?" Caroline asked, looking at the two since Stefan and I already told her we haven't.

"They're not here yet?" Elena gasped worriedly.

"Ohh, just go, go. Go, go, go," Caroline groaned. Then she gave us all a shove. Stefan tried to back track but I clung to his arm. I was supposed to walk alone, Damon with Elena and Matt with Bonnie. But with two missing, who cared.

Elena and Damon behind us stumbled, switching places. I snorted, glancing at the two idiots over my shoulder. When I went to face forward, I stopped, looking at Stefan who's eyes were already on me. We held eye contact as we descended down the aisle. "You have sex hair," Damon whispered as we made it to the front.

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