Falsely Accused «Chamber X Reader»

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A/N: Angsty. Sorta rushed. Also sorta inspired by Fade's Agent reveal stuff...

Anyone got any ideas for this one-shots with Phoenix? He seems like he'd be fun to write!! Comment them please!


"I knew we could never trust you!"

"You've always been a liar!"

"Everybody lies... but this time, you went too far, Chamber."

"I watched it happen with my own eyes. He's guilty."

"All that talk about camaraderie and this is what we get?! A killer?!"

The clamor is growing in volume as each and every Agent brings their insults and accusations to the table, the person in question sitting silent.

Head bowed, eyes shut.

Appearance unkept and disheveled - unlike the usual.

A pained and yet neutral expression on his utterly exhausted features.


He can hear her voice in his head as if she were in this very room with him right then and there.

Her soft and wavering tone as she'd taken her last breaths, bleeding out against the dusty ground.

And all he was able to do was watch as she'd reached a bloodstained hand to his cheek, admiration sparkling in her dulling eyes.

"Don't blame yourself for this..." She'd rasped as he'd grabbed her wrist, pulse barely evident.

He'd been unable to formulate any sort of reply, too distraught to do much more than hold her fading figure in his arms, tears finally breaking free and rolling down his cheeks.

"You've got to promise me, Vincent. No matter what happens, don't blame yourself."

He doesn't blame himself.

Not for being the one who murdered her.

No, rather, the fact that she was even put into such a situation completely alone.

He was supposed to have her back that day, like he always did.

But, he'd been outplayed.

By his own Double.

The very same version of him that had once set aside their differences and for a moment, worked together.

But instead, this time, he was left with nothing.


"Lay everything out from the beginning, Cypher," Brimstone's sorrowed yet firm tone sounds from the opposite end of the table, rooting him back to the present.

"Both Chamber and A/N were making their way onto the site where the Mirrors had last been seen," The surveillance expert begins, once more bringing back the past to haunt the man sitting silently and alone.

He didn't need someone else to recount the fateful events of that Mission.

It's burned into his mind permanently.

Isn't that enough torture?

She'd been the one to head in after the Mirrors had planted their Spike and went on their way, only keeping a few of their own behind to ensure success.

She always went in and diffused.

She was the best.

He was supposed to keep an eye on her as she'd completed her objective.

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