Tough Luck «Yoru X Reader»

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A/N: This idea came from the cinematic titled "RETAKE!" I highly suggest you give it a watch! But yeah! That's pretty much it from me... Enjoy! Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


"You have got to be kidding me!" You protest in humored frustration, watching as the person sitting across from you slides an all too familiar looking black colored card onto the top of the pile, a slightly smug, yet apologetic look upon her features.

"Sorry, N/N," Jett chuckles, gesturing to the wild card she'd just played. "Pick up four and I change it to blue. UNO."

"Really?" You huff once more, gaze skimming over the cards in your grasp as well as the additional four you'd just picked up. "Not a single blue card, here."

"Tough luck, I guess," Your friend grins, placing her final, ironically blue number one card over top of the black one, gaining her yet another victory in your usual afternoon UNO matches.

"I always have the worst hands, I swear you manage to rig it or something," You chuckle with a shake of your head, tossing your cards down against the coffee table and sitting back against the couch cushions behind you with a sigh.

Jett just laughs, shoving the scattered cards back into their bag and putting them away before joining you at your side.

"Any progress on that project you and Killjoy were working on last week?" The Radiant sitting beside you muses, passing you a quizzical look. "Y'know, the one that you still haven't filled me in on?"

"We scrapped it," You state point-blank, shrugging at your friend's bewilderment. "Just wasn't working."

"What was it, though?"

"A new prototype for my binocs," You admit, passing a grin. "We tried to up the magnification, and put a protective film on the lenses to block the possibility of our Radiant Mirror friends' flashes, if they so decide to use them against us at some point."

"Smart idea," Jett hums in response, not really seeming to be paying much attention, keeping her attention more focused on the bleak looking ceiling of HQ above the pair of you.

However, before you can say much else, or think of a way to keep conversation going, a set of seemingly hurried footsteps meet your ears, accompanied by another set of slightly slower, much more laid back ones.

"The boss-man needs ya in the briefing room, A/N," Phoenix informs with his usual grin, waving a hello to your friend as well.

"Just A/N? What? We don't need agility this time around?" She jokes, though it earns a frown from you.

"I can handle myself just fine when it comes to agility," You remind, though your tone carries a sort of defensiveness to it.

"We all know you can handle yourself just fine," Neon chimes in, appearing at the other newcomer's side. "But you're usually the one who keeps an eye on things, right?"

You nod, surprising a sigh.

"Yeah," You smile falsely, inwardly wishing that for just once you could be on-site, actually in the combat if it ever arises. "But who knows? Maybe Brim has a recon mission or something laid out for me. Something nice and easy, like usual."

The other Agents around you just nod with slight smiles, their expressions seeming almost... humored?

"C'mon, N/N, I'm with ya on this one," The fire Radiant grins, extending a hand down towards you, offering you help up off the couch. "Let's go see what Brimstone has in store for us this time around."

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