I eat silently as both Judah and Parker work on cleaning me up. Parker mutters things to himself throughout this and I listen attentively, wincing over the number of injuries I've racked up. There's a few times where they stop to let me breathe through the pain before continuing.

Jude whispers apologies with soft kisses to my skin every time I whimper or cry out. "I know love...I'm so sorry. Almost done."

I've dealt with much worse before but I wouldn't dare tell Judah that. He's already angry as it is and swearing like a sailor with venom lacing his tone. But then he comes back down to earth with sweetness in his voice. His whispers of encouragement and praise make me smile in appreciation as he applies the dressing to my back.

"Are we good?" Reece asks as she steps in with my pajamas that I assume she took out of my bag.

"Yeah, all good. We'll keep these wrapped and I'll check on them regularly." Parker stands before fixating me with a stern look. "There's a lot of damage so I need you on complete bed rest Marcella. Don't overexert yourself and I'm sure Judah will help me keep you in check."

"I sure will." Judah grunts as he picks me up from the tub.

"I'll put some painkillers and your other medicine on the bedside table. Get some rest please." Parker murmurs before he kisses the top of my head.

"Thank you Parker." I reply before he walks out.

"Here, get changed." Reece smiles comfortingly as she hands Judah the clothes before taking the plate. "Sleep well Mar."

"Bye Reece and thank you!" I mumble sleepily before turning to Judah once the door closes. "Jude?"

"What do you need dove? Does something hurt? Do you need more painkillers? I can –"

"No!" I chuckle but hiss when the cut on my lip screams in protest.

"What do you need then?"

"Can you be mad tomorrow?" I yawn as he takes my underwear off before I step into the bottoms. "I want cuddles and I don't want to hear more curse words while you hold me."

"Whatever you want Macy." He smiles sadly as he cups my face in his hands gently.

"Don't be sad." I whisper with a frown.

"When I said come back to me I meant in one piece baby. Look at you! God I'm such an idiot for letting you go back in the first place!" He murmurs brokenly as he presses the softest kisses to my bruised cheekbone. "I'm so sorry this happened Mace. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

"It's not your fault Judah and it's not your job to protect –"

"Yes it fucking is!" He interrupts me with a hard glare. "You are mine Macy. Mine to love and mine to protect. Don't ever fucking think otherwise. Is that understood?"

"Understood." I nod eagerly to calm him down.

"Good girl." He huffs as he unclips my bra before putting the tank top over my head. "This shit ends now. I am never going to let anyone hurt you again and that's a fucking promise I intend to keep."

I push up on my tip toes to press a lingering kiss to his cheek. "I love you Judah."

He blinks down at me before I watch him melt and his azure eyes soften with adoration. "I love you too my little dove. There aren't enough words to describe how much."

I smile at him as he softly pecks my lips and pout when he doesn't go further than that. He narrows his eyes at me before patting my hip twice to signal me to move. I limp my way out of the bathroom slowly with Judah hot on my heels. He frowns down at the bed lined with pillows to support my back before looking at me.

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