Chapter 25 - Who do you really love?

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*You sat down and he's starting the engine.*

Charles *curious*: "So as it took you that long to get back in the car, I guess everything went well?" 

*You nod but you don't look as happy as you should and Charles figured it out in a minute.*

Charles *concerned*: "So what's wrong and don't tell me everything is fine. I can clearly see it on your face."

*You hesitate to answer and you're waiting but you know he will not give up asking you until you answered him.*

Charles: "So?"

Y/N *taking a long breath*: "I don't know, I really don't know. Don't get me wrong I'm totally happy that Lando didn't break up with me but ..."

Charles: "But what?"

Y/N *looking outside the window*: "But I'm confused about everything that happened tonight."

Charles: "Ok ... What are you confused about?"

Y/N *looking at Charles now and getting a bit angry*: "About everything Charles! About the fact that Max called you and not Lando, about the fact that I knew it's not a good idea to go and see him at his apartment where we would be alone, about the fact that almost slept with him, about the fact that I'm sitting her with you now. Obviously I'm confused about that whole situation!"

*Charles nod and you drove the rest of the way in silence. As he parked the car in front of your house you sat there in silence for about 10 minutes until you turn around. As you see his face you almost started to cry again because everything is too much for you. You don't know what you feel and you're having an interview for you're dream job in two days. Charles reaching for your cheek and you can feel that he's whipping away a tear.*

Charles *giving you a little smile*: "Hey ... don't ... I already told you everything will workout fine. You just need some sleep and some time away from everyone."

Y/N *you could feel another tear running down your face*: "I can't just leave now. I .... I .... don't know what to do Charles." 

*By now it's almost 3 AM.*

Charles: "You really need some sleep Y/N and I do as well."

*As he said that you recognize that he it's the second night in a row that he's up that long.*

Y/N *in a hurry now*: "Sure, yes, you're right. I gotta go."

*You reach for the door handle but he's stopping you by holding your wrist.*

Charles: "Stop doing this."

Y/N *confused*: "What?"

Charles: "Thinking you're a burden to me because you're not."

*That's exactly what you thought and you don't get how he got to know you that well. He's getting out of the car and going over to your side. He opens the door for you and helped you out of the car and you start crying silently.*

Y/N *crying*: "Charles please just leave. I know you need your sleep. I will figure it out myself. I'm not your responsibility. You don't have to stay." 

*As you said that you're walking slowly into the direction of the door but he's following you."

Charles *smiling a bit*: "Y/N, you're definitely not able to figure it out by yourself. I'm not leaving you here like that. I'm coming with you and ... don't .... don't even try to convince me to leave because I'm not doing that."

Y/N *trying not to cry (successfully) and to get away from him*: "Charles please ... just leave ... go home... I'm fine ... see, I'm not crying anymore ... and what will Alexandra think when you stay over at my room again?"

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