part 4!

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omg" you say in shock
"i hate the paparazzi sm." reece says in anger
"well obviously its not true anyways. all u did was let me under ur umbrella"
"yeah well my girlfriend dont know that."
"message her and explain then before she sees it and gets the wrong idea"
"your right, thanks y/n." he says calming down

dont thank me. thats just the obvious thing u would do" you laugh
"i could really do with some alchohol" kai interupts
"ye me too" timo and rudi say finally talking after ages.
"lets go to a club" you say
"sounds like a plan" says rudi "mase r u coming"
"sure" he says not sounding in the best mood

*small time skip*
youre all getting pretty wasted apart from mason. who is still on his first drink.
you start to feel like ur being stared at and see a middle aged man looking right at u.
"hey guys im gonna go to the toilet" you say clearly uncomfortable
*you turn around to see if the man is still there but hes gone*
you still go to the bathroom just to check on ur makeup.
you fix your maskara and lipstick and head back out

TW; r@pe/sa

as you exit you see the middle aged man grin at you
"hello there young lady" he says grabbing your waist
"please let go of me" you say trying to loosen his grip
"i dont think thats going to happen" he moves his arms from your waist to your breast and grins
"please stop" you  say beginning to freak out a lot more
"shhhhh" he pushes u against the wall and begins to kiss ur neck
*you start to cry and scream for him to let you go*
hes just about to take of ur dress when you hear a familiar voice
"and what are u gonna" the man turns and asks
*he punches the man knocking him to the floor*

end of tw

you werent sure who it was because you had been crying so much ur vision was blurry.
he pickes u up and wrappes his arms around u "y/n are you okay"
it was mason,
"im so scared mason, is he gone"
"hes knocked out on the floor, your safe now. come on lets go home"
he calls a taxi and takes you back to his place texting the boys that you both left

*the next morning*

"hey princess"
"mason?" you blush at the nickname. confused where u were.
"hey, i brought you to mine cause you fell asleep in the car and i dont know where u live" he chuckles
"oh im sorry"
"no honestly dont apologise. would you like something to eat?"
"yes please if thats okay" you say yawning
"ill be 10 minutes" he says leaving you and going downstairs

after 5 minutes of just sitting there waking up a bit more you realise you didnt have your phone and went downstairs to ask mason if he knew where it was.
"hey mason have u seen my phone"
"uhm yeah its on charge in the front room because i saw it was dead, also please call me mase"
"oh okay, thanks mase" you laugh
"your welcome"

"i didnt tell harry i wasnt gonna be home, hes gonna be so worried," u say panicking
"whose harry?" he says quite upset. he almost sounded like he was jealous.
"hes my brother" you answer
he smiles a lil but you dont see cause ur to busy messaging harry explaining

"breakfast is served" he says handing you a plate and placing a big stack of pancakes on another. "help urself, i didnt know how much u would want"
"oh my gosh thats a lot of pancakes."
"yeah well obvs im gonna have some too" he laughs
"well thank you for making these amazing pancakes" you say biting into one
"your welcome princess"
you cant help but feel butterflies when he calls u "princess" it was strange.
you couldnt possibly catch feelings for "mason mount" could you?!

confusion | mason mount x y/n ( DISCONTINUED )Where stories live. Discover now