𝟏. Fate, My Oldest Enemy!

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But, thing is, Noor loves Zagreus. The stories he tells her to help her go to sleep, his snide remarks that only she can hear... She loves him a bit less when she puts on Love Island for him, but there's the spirit.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" Zagreus asks out of the blue, hours later, when it's dark outside.

Noor raises her head to see that two people on the show learned they were soulmates. "Of course I do. It's a thing. It'd be like asking me if I think chairs are real."

He rolls his eyes, tired but used to her usual sarcasm. "I mean, do you really believe that someone out there is just meant to match you in all ways, shape or form? Like, your true perfect half."

He always had a knack for asking deep questions without further context, so Noor is used to being taken aback. She sets down her pen, and looks out the window in deep thought.

"I guess so, yeah," she answers. "Though the idea that we're not complete without a soulmate is a bit sad isn't it? Maybe it's not about being complete and more about being understood and loved fully. Unconditionally. That thought is nice."

Zag hums. "Yeah, I suppose. It'd suck if the bond was wrong."

She frowns. "Why would it be wrong? That's the whole point." She tilts her head to the side, seeing him play with the huge ring on his ring finger. "Did you have a soulmate?"

He doesn't answer. He never does, not when she asks personal questions. She doesn't push either. Billions of years alive, you have to carry your fair share of trauma, and she doesn't want to force it out of him.

She wishes she did, though, sometimes. When she catches him staring in the void like he's doing now, playing with his ring, big sad eyes filled with whatever memory he's having. He opens his mouth, and for a second, she thinks he's finally going to speak up about whatever is haunting him, but it's never the case.

"You should go to work before you're late."

Noor sighs through her nose, and stands up. "Yeah, you're right."

He looks back at her, frowning. "Don't you have to meet up with Steven too?"

Steven is, outside of Zagreus, Noor's only friend. They met after he ran into her trying to catch the bus, a few months ago. Then they realized that they always went to the same place to eat lunch between Noor's classes, and Steven's breaks at his work. He's nice, in a way you rarely see nowadays. If the breaks between her classes are long enough, Noor usually goes to the British Museum, where he works, and to his gift shop. It's a way for him to rant about Egyptian mythology without anyone interrupting. And boy does he like to talk about it.

Usually, before work, she meets up with him to grab a bite. "Not today, no. He sent me a text earlier." It's the third time this week, and being a naturally worried and overthinking person, she can't help but wonder if something is wrong. "I'm sure everything is fine."

Zagreus takes a good look at her before nodding slowly. "...Yes. Do you want me to come with you?"

She snorts. "Yeah, so I can talk to thin air and get locked up again, sure."

He doesn't seem to find it very funny. "Or you can use your earphones like you always do."

She grabs her bag, sighing. "I know, I was being funny."

"That's you being funny? I'm scared to see you being serious then."

"Shut up and let's go."


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