Chapter 27

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

"The crab and asparagus pappardelle is chef's kiss", Pavel suggested as Dome scanned the menu booklet.

"That looks good but I'm in the mood for something spicy," Dome replied. "I think I'm going to order the prawn jambalaya."

"That's a great choice as well," said Pavel.

Just at that moment the uniformed waiter who had escorted them to their table came back to ask what drinks they wanted to order.

"White Chardonnay always goes well with any seafood," Pavel commented.

"I'll go with whatever you suggest," Dome said.


"We're here," Pavel said to Dome, shaking him gently but Dome continued to keep his eyes closed, his upper body leaning against the door of the front passenger seat.

Pavel got out of his SUV and walked over to the passenger side and slowly opened the door. He caught Dome in his arms and kicked the car door shut.

Pavel carried Dome to his unit because he didn't want to have to search in Dome's pocket for Dome's key.

Pavel laid Dome gently onto his bed and covered him with a blanket. Pavel then walked over to his sofa, switching off the light on his way.

Pavel spent most of the night thinking of how to help Dome get over his heartache. Tae must have really hurt Dome so much that it was taking Dome a long time to get over it.


Dome stirred awake.

He looked around at his unfamiliar surroundings. Where the hell was he.

He sat up straight when he remembered the events of the night before.

He and Pavel had gone to that seafood restaurant by the waterfront. He had drank a little too much chardonnay and had dozed off during the trip back.

He concluded rightly that he was in Pavel's unit and that he had slept on Pavel's bed.

Wait ... he checked himself. He was still fully clothed. He was alone in bed.

Dome slowly got up, thankful that he was not suffering from a headache.

He walked over to wake Pavel up then thought better of it.

He decided to go to Pavel's kitchen to see what he could put together for breakfast for himself and Pavel.

He took out three eggs and cracked them open into a bowl. He then chopped up two bright red tomatoes and some green onion leaves and whisked them into the eggs.

He gasped when he felt Pavel's arms around his waist.

"What's cookin', good lookin'?" Pavel whispered, brushing his lips against Dome's ears, making Dome shiver.

"I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of taking stuff from your fridge and using your kitchen to fix us some breakfast," Dome said.

"I definitely don't mind," Pavel replied. "In fact I'm happy that you're fixing us breakfast. My stomach is grumbling now."

"I forgot that my father had very thick carpeting installed in all of the units in this building," Dome remarked. "I didn't hear you walk up behind me."

"I'm glad that your father decided on very thick carpeting," Pavel said. "It would definitely be comfortable if we decided to make love on the floor."

Pavel got a smack upside the head from Dome for that naughty remark.

"Coffee, tea, or me?" Pavel asked, walking over to the side of the kitchen where his electric kettle was waiting to be plugged into the outlet.

"You," Dome replied with a straight face.

"I was kidding! I was kidding" Dome said in a panic when he saw Pavel walking slowly back to him with a naughty gleam in his eyes ......

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