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Just to clarify 95% of this chapter is shitpost full of references

"We did it!" A boy screamed

It's a good day for former Class D. After 2 years of hardwork they have beaten Sakayanagi's class and became the new class A under the leadership of Horikita Suzune

"One thing I should mention is that starting next class your class will only consist of 38 students" Machida-sensei said as he glanced at the new Class A

"Huh?" The only one who seemed to hear him turns out to be Horikita

She titled her head towards a single boy capable of doing such feats.

"Did you?"

No answer.

The boy stood up and walk towards the door.

"Hold it!" She shouted turning all the attention to them

"Ayaya-kun why are you leaving?"

"Who the hell is Ayaya-kun?"

"Its Ayaya! Ayaya! Jokes aside Ayayayanokoji-kun why are you leaving us?"

"For the last time my name is Ayanokoji"

"Sorry I stuttered"

"I'm going to put some dirt in your eye. Are you that stupid? Of course I'm leaving this dumb class"

Ayanokoji proclaimed. The class mood turns sour. They felt like the guy that expelled their friend Sakura Airi was back

"Are you really ayanokoji? Are you a sussy Baka imposter? Do we need to test your blood in order to make sure you're not a shape shifting alien?"

"Of course My boy my guy my dude. I'm the one and only Ayanokoji"

"But why?"

"Short answer is I will push forward until all my enemies are destroyed"


"The thing is I have family issues. My father is a spy and my mother is a mass murderer who murdered over 80% of the family only to stop because she wants my father's dick who turns out to be her step brother. They were a couple in middle school but broke up before high school. Suddenly my grandparents remarried and they became siblings. Do you know? They still joke to this day how 'My step sis is my ex'."

"What the fuck are you talking about Ayanokoji?"

"Anyway I was wondering when will silksong come out but back to the case."

After a long monologue Ayanokoji took a deep breath and spoke.

"Everything I'm about to tell you is a crazy person rambling. Please don't remember it."


"I'm the one who set let the class to victory. And it's not just this exam, this victory's meant to bring down the whole grade. No one could safeguard against it. That's the principal and teachers who protect this school, mishandling the situation."

"Sakyanagi's prestige as principal's daughter fallen to earth. Since we don't know what started the covenant which's meant to be protecting the school, Class C's no rescue either. That's something I tested heaps of times so it's definitely right. In the end, Sakayanagi and Ryueen are equal."

"Bringing own the school? You're bringing down the school? To try and destroy this school?"

"No, wrong. I'm doing this to make you the Leader. It's the only single way how."


"You don't have to understand. It's fine that you don't understand. Everything that comes next'll be settled when others boost you up of their own accord. Then you just have to grant your wish. That is the only reason I set the brought down every other class. All of it was for you."

"Liar, liar, liar! I mean, I... you, how come, you..."

"See me Horikita Detest me. All of it was for you to defeat me."

Ayanokoji tried to walk away again after finishing his monologue. Suddenly, his shirt was yanked up

"How could you do this to all of us? After all we've been through?" Sudo shouted punching Ayanokoji in the face

"What other choice do I have? To go tutor some quintuplets to get some cash? To relax and go camping with some friends? Pop a boner in the pool after imagine being NTR?"

"At that point you might as well dreamed that you met a hot senpai in the library after everyone can't remember her"

"That's just your kink" Ike added

"Shut up! I hate you! Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hat-"

"Wait Sudo you tutored me math before?"

"Anyway back to Ayanokoji You hate me because I'm right"

"Nah I just hate you in general"

"Anyway I need to go date some spirits in class B. Goodbye."

"I won't forget." Sudo muttered in anger

"I won't forget" Ike muttered in anger

"I won't forget" Yamauchi and Airi muttered

"Wait a second Kiyotaka!"

A voice rang out.

But no one came

Ayanokoji shut his ears and walked out of class without a single glance toward his former girlfriend

"Welcome to class B or should I say next class A?" Ichinose Honami welcomed him

Instead of smiling the man sat down

"Is there something you want to tell me?" She asked



"No I don't want that! Kei finding another man? I want to be in front of her mind for at least a while! For 10 years at least!" Ayanokoji broke down through his facade revealing

"Real" ayanokoji

"Oh I didn't expect something this pathetic"

"Anyway please don't tell her I can return by d-

Suddenly the world stops. Ayanokoji accepted his fade he looked around and saw a black hand reaching out for him.

It grabbed his heart. And squeezed it.

My ending is worse than Anya in GOT huh

His last thoughts were about the friends he made along the way and just like that Ayanokoji Kiyotaka died. Unfulfilled of his goals.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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