Chapter 33.

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The afternoon of February 4th in the office. The five work girls are very clueless.

🥳: Oh my God people! We've been sitting here in an office doing nothing for the longest time!

🤔: Two hours.

🥳: Whatever! We are billionaires now! Why shouldn't we just... go out on a vacation?

🤔: You're crazy!

A loud knock sounded at the door.

🥳: *runs to get it*

😡: Good afternoon Work Girls.

🥳🤔🥰🤕😱: .......


🥳🤔🥰🤕😱: Good afternoon Boss.

😡: That's more like it!

🤕: Why are you so angry all of a sudden?

😡: I have to come in here for some hot doughnuts and coffee, and introduce you to your new Boss, then I need a talk with the Mayor.

🥰: About what?

😡: Whatever!

🤔: We're getting a......... new..... Boss?

😡: Yes!

🤔: But why? We made millions of dollars bossless. We made less money with you. We don't need Bosses.

🧸: May I come in?

🥰🥳😱: *gasp*

😡: Yes.

🧸: Hi. So my name is-

😡: Oh I know what your name is! You were to be here at 10:00 AM sharp! I had to wait in my car for hours because I didn't see your car in the parking lot God damn it!

🧸: I was in traffic and stuff.

😡: And stuff? Why do I have a hard time believing you?

🧸: So hi Work Girls! I am officially replacing this... thing.

😡: *nods angrily*

🧸: We will continue to work in this office, and the fantastic news is that they finished building the new mall! So that's fun.

😱🥳🥰🤔🤕: *looking sad*

🧸: Why do you look like you are watching a sad dog movie?

🥳: I was secretly plotting to quit my job!

😱: Why?

🥳: It's true! What I really want to be is a perfessional Dancer! That day on Christmas, I was dancing at the Cake Store and won all that Money. It was the time of my life!

🥰: OMG me too! I always wanted to release my loud party girl self and just go out and dance at random places and live in the moment with no specific plan ever.

🥳: Yaasss!

😡: This is why you two are terrible.

😱: Ooh, well I'm never going to tell you my desire career.

🤕: I just want to you know, raise children! I have no love at the moment because I feel like in this Work World I can't ever do what I want to do. Like if I go out dating, I'll be in trouble! Look at her! *points to 🥰*

🥰: Don't try to throw me under the bus just because I am romantic and attractive!

😱: But you get more random lovers in a week than I've had in my whole entire life.

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