Cassandra got out her car, closed her door and started walking toward the door. Putting on her sunglasses as did. With every step she took you could hear the heel click against the side wall along with her powerful walk.

She stood at the door waiting for the right moment to open it. (Loves her dramatic entrances) Opening the door with enough force to cause a breeze. Stepping inside looking around for a few seconds before taking her sunglasses off.

The Mikaelson's looked up as the grill went silent

"Who is that?" Rebekah asked

"I don't know but doesn't she look ravishing" Kol said as she walked past them winking at him


"Well it has been a while hasn't it" she said with no emotion is her voice. Everyone paid attention the locals knowing exactly who this women is the others not so much. If only they knew her temper had only gotten worse with age and not the opposite.

Elena quickly got up from the booth mad. "How could you come back after 4 years of not talking or seeing us. You didn't even come when the accident happened. You have some fucking nerve" she said raising her voice with every word sitting back down

Cassandra was fucking furious. "Listen here Elena" she said slamming her hand on the table startling everyone sitting. "I did what I had to do. I kept tabs on you and Jeremy all damn four years I was gone. Just because I wasn't here doesn't mean anything. I grieved my fucking way and I did that where the hell I was at."

Elena tried to stand her ground by throwing a hit at her but Cassandra caught it

"Oh Elena you might've been a been a big shot before and trying to prove you still are one but you never where. So don't even try me because you won't get there and that goes for everyone in this bitch" she told Elena as she straitened back up

Jeremy had finally processed what was going on and who was actually here in person. Sliding out of the booth quietly he stood in front of her

Cassandra finally seeing the young man, her baby brother grew up into. Realizing she missed that. Her emotions coming to the surface waiting to see what he has to say to her. Which she thought was nothing good.

Out of nowhere he hugs her and cradling her as he did when he was a baby.

"I missed you Sand" he said tearing up

"I'm sorry little cub I didn't mean to be gone for so long" she said holding him tighter

"So are you back, are you staying"

"Yes I'm back and I'm staying"

"You promise" he said sounding like a little kid

"Yes I promise you" she said giggling


"Go ahead and sit back down little cub I got some stuff to take care of" she said whispering to him

"Sit down Elena now is n—

Eldest Gilbert (Vampire Diaries Fanfic) |Elijah Mikaelson|Where stories live. Discover now