He then pulls put his phone and starts playing a new episode of a podcast.

"Hello Citizens of Central City! This is your man Jake with everything Speedster related! And welcome to another episode of Speed Tank! Look, now I normally talk about the Flash and his partners, but today...let's talk about the latest speedster to hit the super-powered scene. And that is Gold Rush, the Thieving Speedster!"

Rick raises an eyebrow, intrigued by this and walks out his apartment building and starts making his way to Jitters.

"Yeah, Yeah, I know what's everyone thinking, "Who the hell is Gold Rush?" Sorry for all the kids listening. But to answer your question, he's the Speedster that's been wanted in several states and countries, all because he stole priceless paintings, ancient artifacts and jewelry all because...it just seems he can." Jake explains.

Rick chuckles at this, the reasoning being true as he crosses the crosswalk.

"But...I've also come to the conclusion that he chooses to do less with his powers." He states catching Rick's attention.

"Like, let's look at it, Speedsters can literally rewrite time and reality without us realizing it. Like he could go back in the past, make himself a ruler or just get all the riches imaginable. So...why doesn't he just do it?" Jake questions and Rick enters Jitters, and gets in the line.

"My theory? It's boring to him, and the little stuff excites him. I think he doesn't care for the things that most people would take the chance to do. Like, isn't that weird? If I has super-speed on par with the two Flashes, there is so much I dream of doing! But...then what would I do? Huh...maybe that's the reason. Anyway, that's all for today's episode, folks! I know it was short, but that's all to really say about Gold Rush, The Thieving Speedster. Maybe one day, I could interview him." Jake finishes and Rick takes out his earbud and smirks.

"Heh. He guessed correctly. Now my new favorite podcast." Rick says to himself and he gets to the front, and the Barista sees him and scoffs.

"Hey Rick...lemme guess, your usual Grande sized Caramel Frappuccino, with shots of Expresso, (Flash Style) and one Sugar Cookie." She says, having his order already and Rick gasps.

"Aww, Christine! See, that's why you're the only one I trust here to place my order." Rick says, grinning and Christine rolls her eyes, then hands him the drink and cookie.

"Uh huh. See ya next time, Rick." She says as Rick starts to leave Jitters and takes a sip of his Frappuccino.

"Now...to pay a visit."

Central City: Underground Tunnel System

Arriving in a flash of lightning, Rick then throws his drink, now finished and taking several bites from his cookie as he starts walking towards a tunnel, following the path to a wall.

Rick then simply phases through, a lab to be revealed behind the wall.

Just as he took another step, two sentry guns pop out of the ground, turrent come from out of the wall and two drones aim at him from behind.


Rick scoffs and finishes his cookie.

"You really need to update your system. They still think I'm an threat." He states, and a big hulking figure steps from the shadows.

"That's because you are. To an extent." The figure says and it is none other than Gorilla Grodd, who stands in front Rick, towering over him.

"Yeah, well not to you...I'm quite literally the only Speedster you like." Rick retorts and Grodd folds his arms.

"I don't like you. You're just the Speedster I prefer." Grodd states and deactivate the security system and Rick chuckles.

"Like, prefer, same shit." Rick jokes and Grodd starts to walk over to his workbench and Rick follows.

"Why are you here, Riccardo?" Grodd asks and Rick leans against the bench.

"What? I can't check up on a acquaintance?" Rick says, feigning innocence and Grodd with one hand moves him away from his workbench.

"Is that the case?" Grodd questions and Rick shakes his head.

"This time, yeah...what are you working on?" Rick questions looking at a small device, Grodd was tinkering with.

"A counter-measure, for my next encounter with the Flash." Grodd says raising it up to inspect it, only for it to be snatched out of his hands.

"Huh. Looks like some kind proximity mine. What does it do?" Rick questions and Grodd snatches it from him.

"Give me that! That is very fragile! Not to be tampered with!" Grodd says, carefully placing it on the workbench.

"Sheesh! My mistake. Anyway, just wanted to stop by, see how my favorite primate was doing." Rick says and Grodd sighs.

"I'm doing quite well, Riccardo. You may leave." Grodd says and Rick chuckles.

"Cool. Cool. I'm going to Keystone for a job. I'll bring you back a souvenir. Okay?" Rick states and Grodd face palms.

"Please, don't." He says, groaning in annoyance.

"Haha! No can do. See ya, Grodd." Rick says then leaves the lab in a streak of lightning, leaving the Primate Genius to himself.

*Sighs* "Till next time."

Gold Rush: The Thieving Speedster (SLOW UPDATING/Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now