When the elevator comes to a stop at the main floor, Louis being the last of the elevator. They are greeted by the remainder of the team who were waiting in the lobby as instructed by Liam and Harry.

"Okay lads listen up!" Liam shouts over everyone, continuing once he has everyone's attention. "Now I understand that we are wanting to let loose and have some fun and relax, but we can not have any of you goofing off and acting irresponsibly, we have a long week ahead of us and we can not afford to have anyone sidelined with injuries due to idiotic reckless behavior. So this is your one and only warning, If Harry or I see anything that we see will put the team at risk you will grounded to your rooms. Understood!"

"Yes dad" Josh laughs, his friends following in suit " Josh, Liam is being serious, we will not hesitate to send you to your rooms right now if you can not take this seriously." Harry adds sternly.

Josh gulps before nodding his head in agreement. Louis can't help but let a small quiet giggle escape is lips, one that wouldn't be heard by anyone other than Louis himself. He finds a small justice in the fact that Harry and Liam are never afraid to put Josh in his place when it comes to the team.

"Alright, now that this is settled, lets go have some fun!" Harry claps his hands and the team breaks apart, heading towards the pool. Louis hangs back a bit letting the crowd settle before he attempts to make his way into the pool.

"Hey bubs you okay?" Liam calls back to Louis when he notices he is not following everyone in. "Y-yeah, just waiting." he tells him. "Waiting for what?" Liam questions, walking closer to Louis. "The crowd".

"Oh bubs, I am sorry I keep forgetting how much crowds overwhelm you. Are you going to be okay to be in there?"

"Yeah Li, I will be fine, I will just keep away from where the biggest crowd of people are." Louis half smiles at his older brother, in hopes to reassure the older lad he would in fact be okay, even if Louis didn't believe it himself.

"Well look come get me or Harry if you need anything okay?" "Yes dad" Louis teases. "Oi not you too!" Louis giggles at a pouting Liam, who really does just look like a sad little puppy when he is pouts, it's his big brown eyes.

"hey you two going to join us?" Harry shouts peeking his head around the door of the pool area and walking towards the two. "Yes H we are coming, just having some brother to brother talk!" Liam winks at Louis who has blush coating his cheeks as he stares at a wet half naked Harry. He must have already jumped into the poo. The droplets of water are rolling down his chest and his stomach. Louis gulps.

"Well come on then, there is a waterslide that isn't going to slide itself" Harry grins. Liam takes off running for the pool leaving Louis and Harry chuckling at the child like behavior. "well Lou what do you say should we join the others?" Harry questions turning to face Louis. "U-ummm y-yeah o-okay" Nerves overtaking Louis once again. "Hey, I meant what I said, I won't leave your side in there okay?"

"O-okay" Harry extends his hand for Louis to take. Louis stares hesitantly at the hand for a few seconds before reaches out his hand taking it in his. Harry interlocks their fingers and pulls Louis gently closer to him, guiding him into the pool area.

Chlorine over takes Louis senses first as soon as he enters the pool, next its the sound of loud shouts of rowdy teenage boys, the splashing of water and sounds of feet padding across the tile floor. Finally as they round the corner of the small hallway he sees the a medium round hot tub that looked like it could fit approximately 15 people. Beside that a large kidney shaped pool which has a faded red twisting waterslide connecting to the deep end of the pool.

Harry releases Louis hand causing the younger boy to pout. But a smile is back on his face as soon as Harry's hand makes it to his lower back guiding him to the pool. "Ready to jump in?" Harry whispers in Louis ear. Louis shakes his head vigorously. His plan is to sit on the edge of the pool not to get in.

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