Spock's Bad Hair Day

822 40 24

(y/n) has logged on.

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Chekov has logged on.

(y/n): Hey Pavel!

Chekov: Hi, (y/n)!

(y/n): Guess what day it is tomorrow~

Chekov: Oh crap. It's April Fool's Day, isn't it?

(y/n): Yep!

Chekov: I wish that holiday was never invented.

(y/n): Why not?!

Chekov: Your pranks are way too extreme!

(y/n): Oh, please. My pranks are fine.

Chekov: Last year you put my toothpaste in my shampoo bottle and my shampoo in my toothpaste.

(y/n): That was funny though!

Chekov: Or the time when you stole all of Kirk's uniforms, and he had to walk down to the Bridge in just his underwear.

(y/n): I like to think I did a favor for all of the girls on the ship.

Chekov: ...and for revenge, he beamed you down to Delta Verga with no clothes on.

(y/n): ...don't remind me.

Chekov: I just don't want you to prank me this year.

(y/n): How bout this. If you help me prank someone, we can call a truce.

Chekov: I don't know...

(y/n): Truce?

Chekov: Okay, truce.

Chekov: So who do you want to prank?

(y/n): Spock.

Chekov: Does he even know about April Fool's Day?

(y/n): Nope! Which is why it's even better - he won't suspect anything!

Chekov: So what's your idea?

(y/n) has sent a private message to Chekov.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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