Not at the Breakfast Table

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"Not at the breakfast table y/n!" Marta exclaimed taking the vacant seat next to you.
You were mindlessly scrolling through pictures on your phone whilst pushing a errant cluster of your cereal on the table. You hadn't even noticed your National teammates joining the table.
"Busted!" Ona laughed sitting opposite you. You sarcastically laughed back at her before flicking the piece of cereal at her, smirking as it hit and clung to her hair.
"Puta." She laughed trying to pull it from her hair.
"Y/n/n scores again!" Jenni smiles winking at you. She sat down next to Ona with Alexia taking the seat next to her. Alexia smiled at you before turning her attention to her plate.
"What are you even looking at?" Ona asked concentrating on pulling the cereal out of the end of her hair, smiling once successful she popped the piece in her mouth and with both elbows on the table she rested her face in her hands giving you her undivided attention.
You stared in disgust, your mouth slightly open.
"Naked ladies." Marta summarised sipping her coffee.
You nodded without fully listening, when you managed to process what she had said you whipped your head round glaring at her.
"What! No! I'm looking at lingerie!" You said defensively.
Jenni laughed gleefully elbowing Alexia who in turn dropped her fork with a clatter.
"Aww little y/n/n is a little perv." The sides of mouth pulling down in an act to portray empathy.
Marta grabbed the phone out of your hands and begun scrolling.
"Jesus y/n are you quitting football to become a escort or is there someone you have in mind to model these for?" With that Ona and Jenni practically launched themselves over the table to take a look.
You chanced looking in Alexia's directly embarrassed as to what your Captain might be thinking.
"Look Ale, what do you think." Jenni now had your phone and sat back down putting it in front of Alexia.
Alexia's face gave nothing away, she looked at the screen, looked at you and then carried on with her breakfast.
"Who are you going to wear them for y/n?" Ona pried taking great amusement from her friends discomfort.
"I didn't even know you were seeing someone." Marta smirked nudging your shoulder.
"Come on ladies, training!" A shout from across the canteen saved you from answering.
Everyone quickly gathered their possessions, disposing of their trays on their way out the others walked ahead leaving you with grinning Jenni by your side.
"So......" Jenni smirked.
"So." You replied looking straight ahead as your exited the building to start the walk to the training pitch.

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