The loss

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Atsushi turns, hearing a loud bang from behind him. As Atsushi looks up to see the source of the noise before someone jumps into view, all of a sudden there's a sharp pain on the back of Atsushi's head then everything goes black.

Atsushi wakes, writhing in pain. He can't move his arms or legs; they seem to be strapped to a table. Atsushi looks up and sees a few human-like forms standing above him; however he can't make them out; his visions blurs more before everything goes black again.

Atsushi opens his eyes, his vision clearing slightly as he hears voices to the left of him.

"Look he's waking up!" comes one of the voices

"Atsushi!" comes another voice

Once Atsushi is completely cleared he can make out who everyone is. Almost the entire detective agency is seated in the room. Everyone's expressions range from relife to serious worry. Atsushi looks around the room before speaking.

"What's going on...?" Atsushi asks mainly confused why the entire agency is at his bedside

"Nothing that concerns you for the time being, just glad you're okay Atsushi." Dazai says looking down at Atsushi with a smile

"Okay..." Atsushi says clearly still confused and curious

"You should rest up for now, Atsushi." Tanizaki says stepping out from behind Dazai so he can properly see Atsushi

A few others in the room nod or show some form of agreement before a few of them begin to leave the room with a few comforting smiles Atsushi's way.

After everyone but Dazai has left the room Atsushi asks again

"Dazai what's really going on, why did everyone seem so dense?" Atsushi says expecting an explanation

"Atsushi if you wouldn't mind could you try changing at least your hand into your weretiger form just so I can confirm something." Dazai says staring at Atsushi

"Sure I guess..." Atsushi says holding up his hand and closing his eyes and concentrating on it willing it to change, however when he opens his eyes his hand looks unchanged.

"Wha-what... Why didn't it change?!" Atsushi says, shaking his hand trying to will it to change.

"Just as I expected." Dazai says taping his chin

"I'm sorry to inform you Atsushi but for the time being it seems you've lost your ability..." Dazai says

"WHAT?!" Atsushi shouts starting to freak out a bit

"You can't be serious..." Atsushi says staring at Dazai

Dazai gives Atsushi a glum look confirming his fear.

"You mean it's really gone...?" Atsushi says staring at his hands shaking a bit

"Will I get it back...?" Atsushi says his voice cracking

"Well you didn't just randomly lose your ability, it was stolen by the person you were last fighting." Dazai says

"Fuyuko..." Atsushi says staring down at his hands

"But I thought her ability was..." Atsushi trails off looking up at Dazai

"The most logical explanation is that her ability allows her to take others' abilities and use them as her own." Dazai says, tapping his finger on the bed Atsushi is still lying on.

"Do you think I'll be able to get it back? I won't be much help without it..." Atsushi says fiddling with his fingers

"Before we decide any of that you should go home and recuperate and take a day or two off." Dazai says walking toward the door

"But what will I do?" Atsushi says clearly worried

"Well figure that out when it comes to that." Dazai says stepping out into the hallway before closing the door behind him

Atsushi sighs, staring at the door for a second before getting out of bed and preparing to go home.

~Time skip~

Atsushi walks along the street in the dim light dusk and street lamps. Atsushi turns a corner and almost runs smack into Akutagawa.

"JINKO?! What the hell!" Akutagawa shouts pushing Atsushi up against the side of a building

"You are so dead this time!" Akutagawa says holding Atsushi's neck.

At this point Atsushi has been through so much the last day he doesn't even care and can't use his ability so there's no use fighting back. Akutagawa tightens his grip on Atsushi's neck causing him to gag.

"Not so fierce now, are we weretiger?" Akutagawa says, tightening his grip further on Atsushi's neck. Atsushi's vision begins to get splotchy. Akutagaw tilts his head to the side clearly confused why the fierce weretiger isn't fighting back or doing anything for that matter, he tightens his grip a little bit on Atsushi's neck and he goes limp collapsing on Akutagawa.

"Jinko?" Akutagawa says having no idea whyAtsushi reacted the way he did. Akutagawa couldn't just leave him there or else Dazai would surely get upset with him and it's not like he knew where Atsushi lived. Looks like he had no other choice but to take him back to his flat.

Woohoo! Chapter one is done! I have a good idea of where this story is going so if y'all could just be patient i'll try to update as often as possible however I am in currently doing my finals and working on other fics.

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