Mirrors, Mirrors On the Wall...

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I was forced to sit in the insanely uncomfortable chair and study him. His whole room was made of mirrors - one way mirrors. We could see him, but all he saw was the one thing in the world he hated the most.


You noticed this because he never looked at the walls in his cell, just the floor. And if he did manage to catch a glimpse of himself, his face twisted up in anger and he went back to staring at the ground again.

I wondered why he loathed himself so much. He couldn't even look at his own reflection. Obviously, it wasn't his looks, since he was way up there on my hot guys list now. Could it have been something he did? Something he didn't do? I'm not sure anything I would ever could make me look at myself with such disgust, but then again I've never been in his position before.

Every now and then I would glance at the people around me. The people studying him. I couldn't remember why they were observing him, since it was a long list of big words that made absolutely no sense to me. All I knew was that he was different from the rest of us, and they were trying to figure out why. However, it was disturbing how their eyes never left the sight of him, how they noted every blink and breath. As if he was about to do something extraordinary, even though he was only sitting there.

I didn't see the point to this. My teachers thought this would be a great experience for me, since I'm 'so good' at science but I don't enjoy seeing someone suffer. I guess I'm just a mad scientist with a heart, unlike these robots standing around me. Shocking, right? "I'm so sorry," I whispered as soft as I could, so that no one else would hear.

Suddenly, the subject's head snapped up, like he actually heard me. If he was so different, maybe he did. Slowly, he stood up and walked towards the wall, the one I was 'studying' through. It seemed to take him ages to trudge from his bed to the wall and the whole time he was staring at me. That's impossible, I thought, it's a mirror. He can't really see me. Oddly enough, when he finally stopped, he was standing directly in front of me. It was like he sensed my presence; someone different, someone merciful. He stared at me with his big, sapphire blue eyes, pleading for my help.

Around me the robots were in a frenzy. The subject was doing something new and unusual.

Then, something just snapped inside of him. He lashed out and broke the barrier between us. Shards of glass fell around me, leaving cuts behind on their way down. My arms raised to cover my face and I fell off of my chair trying to get away. Everyone else left the room and seemed to have locked me in to contain the danger.

Again, he walked toward me with a slowness that only seemed to scare me more. I couldn't help but compare him to a zombie. By the time that he was in front of me, I was backed up to the wall, praying that he wouldn't kill me since I was the only one dumb enough to stay in the room. His hand reached out to touch my face and I flinched, expecting some sort of pain to follow his gesture. My reaction made him hesitate, but he pushed forward and wiped a drop of blood off my cheek. "I'm always hurting people," he muttered so low I almost didn't catch it.

By now, I was ready to run away screaming but I had a feeling that would only make it worse. So, I just uttered a small, "I'm o-okay," in hopes that things would get better for me.He smiled when I said that but it was a sad smile. The kind you only saw on people who've been through just about everything.

"Come on," he said, holding his hand out to me. I should beat on the door until they let me out, ran away, screamed, something. But, I didn't. Instead, something possessed me to take his hand, shaking slightly as I did so, and we ran.

Mirrors, Mirrors On the Wall...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें