Just as I hurried out of the bedrooms and back into the living room, Two-Bit was there, and soon after, all three of us were panting. "Johnny-" Ponyboy let out more deep breaths before continuing. "What- what happened to him? Why are you so scared- for Dallas?!" He leaned on the couch for support.

My ears started to ring, and I began to look around the room for any signs of where the seventeen year old could have gone. Darry came through the front door finally, and all eyes locked on me again. I started to breathe heavily- and not just from all the running. It felt like everyone was staring me down; waiting for my next instructions.

"He's... he's gonna kill himself." I muttered under my breath, but loud enough for the guys to hear it. The ringing in my ears kept on going as I stared at the wall, blankly. My lips were quivering. "He's not here..." I continued. Pony's face fell, gazing at the floor trying to take it all in. Two-Bit and Darry had a similar approach to the situation.

"K-Kill himself?" Two-Bit's voice cracked at the end. When I glanced at him, I could tell something shifted. Something in his expression changed. I had never seen him look the way he did just then, staring at me. "You're saying that you think he's gonna kill himself, all through a fucking 'I love you'?!"

I jumped at the volume of his voice change. "Listen to me!" I yelled back, ignoring Two-Bit as I frantically started looking for any signs of Dal's whereabouts. "Tru and I had a conversation with him a while ago- asking what he would do if he had twenty-four hours to live and I remember-"

"Johnny, you're crazy... " Two gave out a soft chuckle, but it didn't sound like he was happy. He shook his head, and acted as if I had made it all up. "That was months ago, man. Tru has been in a coma for this whole time, and you just dropped her for this sudden memory you had..."

I drowned him out, replacing him with my heart beat instead. It was beating rapidly and I started shaking. My mind started racing; digging through memories I had of Dallas and Trumen in the back of my mind. Memories I had forgotten about, and tried to forget about...

My heart dropped as Ponyboy ran to his brother, yelling at Bob
to get his attention, and 
distract him. The Soc ignored him, and
 rammed the switchblade straight into the back of Soda's
abdomen. My switchblade...

"I-I-I didn't m-mean too..." I defended myself. "I had my switch blade out- I would have used it..."

"No you wouldn't have, Johnny. You're way too 'nice', and that's gonna get you KILLED out in the world. And if that happened-" Dally's voice cracked. He looked away with sadness in his eyes, then looked back at Johnny, concealing his previous emotions. "Well, If that happened, I'd guess it wouldn't matter to you, would it." Dallas...

"GET OFF OF ME!" Tru screamed in distress, trying to alert Pony and I. The soc started licking his lips, and breathing on her. He traced his hands over my neck and tore the gold necklace off her chest. "I SAID GET OFF!" She screamed again. But I couldn't get to her...

"What the fuck is this?!" Tru yelled out through the music, pushing my chest back. Pony flinched, catching me just as I was about to hit the floor. She kept glancing back at her hands. "What the fuck is on my hand?!"

"Tru, calm down!" Pony shouted back, having no knowledge of the situation. "I bet there's a logical explanation, but you can't go shoving people because you don't know their story."

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