New school, new everything

Start from the beginning

He looked back at Miss Sea Fairy, who seemed to be staring lovingly at an image on her computer. He then looked at the clock. Only five minutes had passed. He stared down at his hands for what seemed like hours. He looked back up at the clock. 8:56. He scowled.

Licorice felt someone tap on his right shoulder and he turned his head around. Sitting right next to him was a girl, one with short orange hair and heavy makeup. A small smile creeped up onto her face, one that gave Licorice the heeby-jeebies.

"Hello new classmate. It's so nice to meet you. What's your name?" She spoke in an eery tone. "U-Um well, my name is Licorice Cookie! Yours?"

"Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Pumpkin Pie Cookie." Alright, so her name is Pumpkin Pie. She seems nice, hope we can be friends. Licorice thought as Pumpkin Pie dug into her backpack. She then pulled out a horrific looking doll and smiled creepily up at Licorice. "And this is my friend Pompon. Say hi Pompon." She waved the doll's little hand around. And she's a weirdo. Great. Licorice Cookie smiled awkwardly. "Oh er- well hello there Pompon." He felt pretty uncomfortable talking to a doll and a lunatic but he still (barely) kept a smile.

"Oh, did you hear that?" Pumpkin Pie Cookie whispered. "Pompon says that we should all become friends!" Licorice gulped. Well, he should atleast give her the benefit of the doubt. Even if she was insane she was still quite friendly. "T-That sounds like a great idea..." Licorice mumbled half sarcastically.

After a few minutes of awkward small talk the bell luckily ran. It was time for Licorice to run off to the next class that was...PE? Whoever made these schedules must have hated the students. Cursing the school, Licorice made his way to the field. He got separated from Pumpkin Pie in the waves of students walking to and from classrooms and had spent a few long minutes trying to navigate the place by himself. Eventually he had reached the green grass of the field, and he put his bag down next to a tall oak tree.

He turned around to see everyone else on the field. He must have come last, but atleast he wasn't late. Licorice walked up to the ginger from before and gave a little awkward wave. Pumpkin Pie only smiled back.

"Alright everyone! It is time for your first lesson at Crumblewood Academy!" The biggest woman Licorice had ever seen hollered to the crowd. She seemed to tower over the students, yet her cheerful smile kept her from looking intimidating. "My name is Miss Hollyberry and I'll be teaching you all some good old physical education! Now, since you are all new here I decided to make this lesson a little more fun! After all what's life without a little bit of fun?" She used one of her muscular arms to lift a red ball up. "Anyone here play dodgeball?"

Excited murmurs erupted throughout the class while Licorice internally groaned. Dodgeball wasn't fun when you were always the first one out. Pumpkin Pie however, found this idea just delightful. "A game, how wonderful! Let's be on same team Licorice!" She piped, clasping her hands together.

The class was soon separated into two teams. Luckily, Licorice was with Pumpkin Pie. Licorice wasn't sure if that made the chance of winning any better though, as Pumpkin Pie looked like she would go flying if flicked.

Hollyberry stood by the a line between the two teams. "Are we ready?" Her voice boomed. "Three, two, one, go!"

In an instant, the field was a flurry mess of red balls and screaming children. Licorice, despite failing in every way physical, was still quite strategic and he jumped form place to place around the field, knowing that if he stayed still he'd be boinked.

But he noticed very quickly that the other team was being taken out quite quickly. Who's getting everyone out? Licorice wondered. His eyes trailed over to the other players, and he noticed something quite strange.

Pumpkin Pie Cookie, who just single handedly picked up three balls and threw them at an unexpecting blonde, who painfully got hit.

Licorice's jaw dropped. There was no way in the witch's name- just how!?!? How was someone like her so much more stronger than him?? He stared at Pumpkin Pie with wide eyes as she took out another two kids, and turned to face Licorice.

She seemed to be moving her mouth...was she saying something? Licorice stained his ears. She was definitely talking to him, was she trying to tell him something? After a moment, he registered that the words she was trying to say were "Watch out!"-


A searing pain burned itself onto Licorice's right check. He felt himself fall to the ground on impact, the red ball bouncing away a few moments after. His mind was in such a daze, he couldn't process all the voices surrounding him with concerned noises and...laughter?

"Bahahahahhaha! Did that loser just hit in the face?"
"By a girl too!"
"Dude looks like he never spent a day in the gym. No wonder he never even got anyone out."

Licorice felt their words stab into his chest like needles. His vision began to clear a bit, and he could see someone standing over him. "Oh my gosh! I am so so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you in the face!" The person wailed.

Licorice lifted his head and his pale yellow eyes met with brown eyes that swam with worry. "Again, I am so, so, so sorry! Please forgive me! Here I'll help you up!" She reached out a hand towards Licorice. He didn't take it. He was already quite sick of this annoying cookie's high-pitched voice already, and the fact that she had just embarrassed him in front of the class made it a lot worse. He didn't need her pity, and he certainly didn't need her help.

"I'm fine. I can handle myself on my own. Don't touch me." Licorice sneered and he slowly stood up. His head was still throbbing like crazy, vision still quite blurry but he pushed the issues to the side. The girl before him looked sorrrowful at how he had responded and was now looking at the ground with a frown. Licorice could still hear his other classmates whispering to each other, and he cursed the witches underneath his breath

Ms Hollyberry had rushed over to the student ushered everyone away. "Everyone, everyone, back up and give the kiddo space. Are you feeling alright lil man?"
Licorice pouted, head still throbbing terribly. "If feeling like you're being hit in the head with a club over and over again is being not alright, I would say I'm pretty un-alright right now." He growled softly.

Hollyberry let out a soft chuckle at the comment. "Ahaha, you seem to have quite the fiery tongue! I'll send someone to help guide you to the nurse's office. Can you walk?"

Licorice slowly nodded. Despite the burning pain in his face, his legs seemed to be doing just fine. His self-esteem the other hand? Smashed to pieces.

Eventually this one kid named Adventurer had volunteered to bring him to the nurse's office. Going to the nurse's office was DEFINITELY not how Licorice wanted to spend his first day. And the only thing he learned from it?

Things will only get worse as time goes on.


A/N: Yo wassup guys! I need to clear up a few things before the next chapter comes out.

1. This fic will mainly be a gen fic. This is mainly because I want to prevent ship wars or people not reading this fic simply because it contains a ship they don't like. If I do decide to add in ships, they won't be given a lot of focus.

2. This chapter is EXTREMELY long (2600 words) but future chapters will be much shorter.

3. Some characters may not appear in this fic. This is either because I couldn't find a way to put them in a modern setting or because they are from ovenbreak. Speaking of Ovenbreak, only the legendaries that will be coming to kingdom are featured.

4. This fic will swap POVs every chapter.

Anyway, have a wonderful day and thank you for reading! Mwah, mwah!

Four emos in a room bitching [Cookie Run High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now