The fiend in friend

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Summary: Two bisexuals fight over an emo.


Dark Choco didn't mind it at all. Well the workload that would be, the people were just plain insufferable.

He was what you would mainly call the quiet kid. Maybe it was because he didn't talk to anyone, wore all black and looked like he would straight up massacre the entire school at the given moment. He wasn't always like this, in middle school he was the popular jock with gorgeous hair and a dashing smile.

Whatever had changed him into the person he was today, not many would know. Dark Cacao liked to describe the changes as "teenage phases" but Dark Choco knew it was more than that.

Ever since that one fateful day his life had been changed forever, he would never be the same person no matter how hard he tried. His life was ultimately ruined and-

Woah there, got a bit off track. Back to the main story: Dark Choco started off his school day like any other person who had no idea what to do, sat at his desk organizing his school notes or writing things down in his diary. Dark Choco had always liked to stay organized, a skill drummed into his head by his father. It was the first day of his third year which, according to all the seniors, was the hardest year of high school. Yippee.

But as he was writing down his timetable for the day, the most bizarre thing happened.

A minute just before the bell went off, in came walking a rather comely girl that no-one had ever seen before. The room went silent, albeit with a few gasps. And it was clear to see why, the girl was stunningly gorgeous, with clear brown skin, neatly tied hair, pretty makeup and a smooth gray skirt that was way too short for school rules.

The teacher, Miss Oyster, got up from her desk. "Ah, glad to see you are finally here." Miss Oyster approached the student and gave them a friendly smile. "Everyone give Affogato Cookie a warm welcome! Won't you introduce yourself dear?"

Affogato nodded and gave a toothy grin. They opened their mouth to speak and the room went silent.

"Pleased to meet you everyone. My name is Affogato Cookie, as told. I transferred here from up north. It is a pleasure meeting you all, I hope we can get along on the future."

Dark Choco's head was spinning from their words. The problem wasn't the words themselves but rather the voice. What you would expect to be a beguiling feminine voice was replaced by the smoky voice of a teenage boy. Everyone in the room (except Miss Oyster) seemed shocked at this revelation.

Dark Choco was also shocked but only for an exact three seconds. He concluded that he simply did not care how this kid dressed or looked. As long as they stayed out of his path they, he wouldn't care. But then he noticed Affogato's eyes staring straight in his direction. Dark Choco looked to the back, to find out who he was looking at, only to be met with the gray wall.

He turned his head back to the front again and watched Affogato saunter down the classroom and sit down right next to Dark Choco Cookie. The class exploded into whispers and glances.

Dark Choco just averted his eyes and focused on his notebook. Something about the new student made him feel...uneasy. He swore he could feel their eyes on his back, but whenever he looked up - Affogato was busy doodling something in their book.

The period soon ended and he was heading off to his nextdoor class.

This was the day Dark Choco learned to trust his gut.

First, not only did Affogato manage to charm the whole class by making sly jokes during English, he also convinced Mr Dark Cacao to show everyone Dark Choco's baby photos for the whole lesson. Everyone had given him a high five for basically giving the math class a free lesson but Dark Choco felt utterly humiliated by the whole situation. He decided to murder Affogato and lock his body in the janitor's closet. And then he'd murder his father too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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Four emos in a room bitching [Cookie Run High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now