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Hueningkai walked to school with a furious aura.
Even the people who greeted him regularly were afraid to talk to him, afraid he would snap. One thing about Kai was that whilst he had the most bubbly personality and was probably one of the kindest people in Seoul, that all diminished when he was angry. Nobody would and could talk to him.
Well, that would be the case if he hadn't met that special someone.

"Hueningkai!!" He looked up and saw a smiling Soobin running toward him. Instantly, Hueningkai recalled the incidents from the night before and started shaking and panicking.
"Hey, I was wondering if- are you okay?"
"I- umm..err..." Before he could say anything else, Soobin put his arms around Hueningkai's back and waist before whispering into his ear, "I know a place that sells amazing pastries, let's go." Then the elder walked him to the place in silence.


When Soobin had finished ordering and they had been given their food, they sat down in a small booth at the very corner of the café. Kai quietly ate his food while Soobin wondered what was going on with him.
"Kai. Talk to me - what's going on?"
He put his bread down before replying.

"Well, remember when I told you about my mother not accepting me?"
"DID SHE HIT YOU? I swear to God when I see her-"
"No, no, nothing like that. She just forced me to tell her who I was with because she thought that I know what I mean. Then she said that... she doesn't want to hear about and- and she forbade me from seeing you. That's why I could barely speak when I saw you - imagine if she saw."

To say the absolute least, Soobin was shocked. Shocked that someone so horrible could exist. Someone who just declines the affection her son tries to give her because he's not straight. Shocked that Hueningkai has to deal with this abusive behaviour daily.

"In my opinion, Kai, you should break her rules. Look to be completely honest, I still want to hang out with you and, if I'm right, you still want to as well. It doesn't matter what she says, make your own decision."
Kai stared at Soobin in awe before slightly grinning and saying, "Well, then. I guess I'll have to follow you on this on- WAIT. Don't we have school?"
"Hyuka, check your timetable. We don't have any lessons for two hours."
"....haha, right."

Soobin left a tip at the table and walked Hueningkai out of the shop holding his hand. The two walked around the local park, looking at the ducks in the pond, the tall green sycamore trees and the variety of colourful flowers. During their walk, Soobin and Hueningkai realised how at ease they were with each other. Soobin never got to do this with Yeonjun and Taehyun, he was always too embarrassed. Kai, on the other hand, had nobody to do this with. His mother was obviously out of the question, his father was always working and his sisters were always on the phone or studying.

Wow. Even his side profile is beautiful. Is this was love seriously feels like? If that's the case, I think I love Hueningkai. But that makes no sense, I've only known him for, what, two weeks? I really need to talk with Taehyun about this...

"Soobin? You spaced out, haha, are you okay?"
"Huh? Y-yeah, I'm fine. Well anyways, since we still have one and a half hours until we have to be at school, let's go to my house for a while. I'll invite Taehyun, too."
"Fine by me, I haven't seen him in a while anyway."
With smiles on their faces and holding hands, they walked back up to Soobin's house.

"Soobin, I'm bored. Do you have anything to kill the time?"
"Well let's see... Monopoly, Jenga, Uno..."
Hueningkai's eyes immediately lit up and Soobin could see that he was fond of the game.
"Hang on Kai, before we start playing, what do you want to order?"
"Hawaiian pizza, no doubt about it."
"Alright then."

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