Chapter 12 - My Devious Inclusion

Start from the beginning

"But they are all dead, slaughtered to the last, and you yet live. I even resurrected scores of them, and you and your erstwhile defenders killed them again. What better illustrates a true warrior than being the last one standing in a field of slain foes?"

"But I'm not standing alone, am I?"

The Saint smiled arrogantly at the acknowledgment. "True, but that was a predetermined outcome. A valiant effort, but you and your unforgiven band of killers never really had a prayer tonight. Although, just between us," she lowered her voice as if someone may hear her following confession, "the Princess of Poison did give me a brief scare. That was one toxic bitch. She came so close." The Saint held out her thumb and index finger indicating an inch.

I desperately wanted to sit down before the fatigue overwhelmed me. I settled for leaning against a tree. "So, what happens now?"

She laughed, high-pitched and joyous, then did a series of lively pirouettes that halved the distance between us. "I'm going to casually walk through Simon Tuttle's front door, dance down the stairs to his basement, and begin to study my new dimensional doorway."

That damn doorway. All this death to protect something I couldn't grasp the value of. "What does it open to? What's so important?"

She closed her eyes and tilted back her head as if reliving some sensual memory. "A realm of perpetual darkness. The secrets to creating an ever-lasting night. The echoes of shadowy beasts long banished that will reward me with powers beyond my wildest dreams." She looked back at me and winked. "And my dreams get pretty wild."

"That sounds awful. The end of the world. That's what you want?"

"Don't be so dramatic. I live in this world. Why would I end it? I'm just going to change it. For the better."

And now I understood the importance of Simon's doorway. I wished I hadn't asked. Losing felt bad enough before I knew the future of the world was at stake. I didn't want to talk more with her but had one more question that needed to be asked. "What about you and I? What about us?"

"Us? There is no us. You're beaten. Broken. Completely defeated. You were never an apprentice to begin with. Your actions are irrelevant to my future. Lie down and die right there or crawl back to your life. If you're still stupid enough to step into my path again, then I'll simply kill you." She put a hand on her hip. "What's it going to be Finnigan?"

I pushed off the tree to stand on my own. "You missed one option." I smoothed out my tattered shirt as if my appearance could enhance my coming offer. "I could go with you."

Her eyes narrowed. "Beware. You're not smart enough to win whatever kind of game you're trying to play."

"Oh please. What games could I have left? I never wanted to be here. I never wanted any part of this. All I did was attend the funeral of a relative I barely knew. He turned out to have been a powerful wizard who lied to all sorts of dangerous people about my being his apprentice. The result was a violent battle where lots of people died and I got my ass kicked. But after all this, I can't help but think this was meant to happen. I was fated to be standing here with you."

"What are you driving at?"

"Do you know what I do? As a job? I work in a paint store. Mixing colors. I didn't use to mind it. The pay was okay, even if it was a little mundane. But how do I go back to that normal life? How? After seeing all that I've seen here and knowing there are people like you in the world?" I shook my head. "I don't want to leave here alone with all these secrets that no one will ever believe."

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