I see you and I'm home

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Author note: This would make more sense if you read Fairytail Zero. Sorry for grammar mistakes and it may get a bit cheesy so gomen! :)

"Mavis," A smoothing voice said, "are you there?" It was a voice the small blonde had not heard in a while, a voice that meant hope to her because darkness to many others. The man who taught her dark magic, she wondered why she could hear his voice now. "I should be able to hear you," it said.
"Zeref..." Mavis smiled, not that Zeref could see her, "what brings you to Tenrou Island?"
"I have an offer for you," Zeref calmly said,
"I-it's nothing bad is it?" Mavis stuttered,
"No, I don't want to be bad," he sighed,
"What is your offer?" Mavis asked like an excited child,
"Do you want to live?" Zeref asked,
"What do you mean?" Mavis asked confused.
"Your in spirit but don't you wish you were a person again?" He continued. Mavis thought about it, what could she do if she was alive. She could feel of the ground beneath her bare feet, the wind, the air, the people. Wouldn't it be nice to be seen in crowds of busy streets? For people to acknowledge her existence, so she could home to Fairytail!
"Yes I guess it would be great, I could go home!" Mavis said cheerfully.
"Then I guess I can tell you," Zeref said, not sure where to look, "I want to prevent war, to stop people getting hurt, I could end my life but give my soul to you,"
"That would mean you-" Mavis began,
"I would die, but it is my greatest wish, you could get yours too," Zeref interrupted.
"Are you sure you can?" Mavis checked,
"Certain," Zeref replied, "I taught you Law right, now I can teach you this,"
"I guess you can, but how if you cannot see me?" Mavis asked,
"It's not hard, all you have to do is..."


"This is harder then I thought," Mavis sighed, it had been a week since Zeref had arrived on the island.
"It's harder when I can't see you," Zeref sighed sitting crossed legged on the ground.
"Are you sure this is what I'm supposed to do?" Mavis asked,
"Yes, do you want to go to your home or not," Zeref snapped. There was a long silence from the girl, maybe that was to harsh of him, now he had offended her. Now he felt bad, maybe he should apologies. "I'm sorry, I'm just so close-,"
"It's fine," Mavis interrupted, "I need to practice this." The practicing involved summoning all her magic to the palm of her hand and swapping it with Zeref. Of course Mavis' magic was just an illusion, what was really happening was that she was summoning her 'magic' so that when the time was right, she could summon Zeref's magic, giving him death and her life. Zeref was proud of himself for coming up with this plan, he had always envied Mavis for her love of living, but she was dead, she didn't deserve it. Zeref did. Why did he live and she die, all Zeref wanted to do was die, why was luck so bad?


It seemed Zeref was going to be found for a while longer then expected. It seemed although being ancient, Mavis' body was still in the form of a small child, or so she had told him, Zeref still looked like a teenager himself. It made it harder for her to do this. Zeref stepped into the icy cold water of the lake, shivers were sent down his spine. He sat down in the water, he was so close, so close to death he could almost touch it. All Mavis needed to do was master the spell and everything would be perfect.

Mavis watched from a distance, although she could not be seen she didn't want him to sense her. He took he took his clothes of, the spirit shut her eyes immediately blushing. This want the first time this had happened yet it wasn't something Mavis wanted to see. She opened her eyes a tiny a it relieved as he had stepped into the water and Mavis could see nothing. There was something about Zeref she couldn't understand, he was known for being evil but in person he was really peaceful.
"I know your there," she heard him sigh, "shouldn't you be practising the spell?"
"H-hai, sorry," Mavis sighed, and began to walk away.
"Mavis," the smooth voice said, "I'm sorry for being so harsh, I'm just so close,"
"I told you," Mavis began, "it's fine." With that Mavis went to find a peaceful place to practise.

I see you and I'm home (Zeref X Mavis One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now