Week 7 - Dark Secret

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Kasumi: (That's another rival down, but another stands in my way...)

Kasumi: (This one's got my senpai's involved.)

Kasumi: (Thanks to Monika, I was aware of it.)

Kasumi: (Once I end this monster, all schools will no longer feel threatened.)

Kasumi: (It's something a yandere never did.)

Kasumi: (Time to apprehend the dark secret behind it all...)

News Reporter: We are currently at the place where a shut down of a school happened

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News Reporter: We are currently at the place where a shut down of a school happened.

News Reporter: Witnesses here describe a flying black figure with blood red eyes mysteriously putting what seem to be talismans to the school to shut it down as their main method.

News Reporter: Witnesses also claim it's natural habitat being abandoned fields which can lead to deep consequences.

News Reporter: Government officials advice people to start school idol groups as soon as a talisman is seen.

News Reporter: This is Mikutsame News Samai Aimi signing off.

Kasumi: Seems that they did their best to warn people. (However, they'll pay for attempting to steal my senpai...)

Ren: Let's investigate. Bring something in self defense.

Kasumi: On it.

Kasumi grabs a pepper spray, a knife, a katana for Ren Aoki

Ren: Nice, now take this shield my family doesn't use anymore, it'll defend you from it's attacks.

Kasumi: Ready to go, let's go.

Kasumi: (Here I come to eliminate you! Prepare yourself!!)

The two go exploring to the abandoned field...

Location: Abandoned Fields

Ren: Strange, I don't see it...

Kasumi: Maybe it's off somewhere?

Ren(?): Yeah, maybe he's off?

Ren: Hold it! Me?!

Kasumi: You're a faker! No one can be my senpai.

Ren: Hold on, since when was I called-

Ren(?): So you figured it out...

The fake Ren starts laughing like a maniac and becomes the flying figure

The fake Ren starts laughing like a maniac and becomes the flying figure

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