Week 2 - The Twins

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Contains Spoilers to the Original Universal Collision (Chapter 75)

Kasumi and Ren walk home after they finished their first day of school

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Kasumi and Ren walk home after they finished their first day of school.

Ren: ... Was there something you wanted to do in life?

Kasumi: (I don't want to tell him that I want to date him, otherwise he might reject it.)

Kasumi: I'd play the piano or try to shop for some items necessary to me.

Ren: I see...

Ren: Do you do this most of the time?

Kasumi: When I have time, but with piano, I'd do it weekly because of school.

Ren: Oh, I see.

Kasumi: Do you mind if we take a walk through the park?

Ren: I don't mind, go ahead.


A portal opens up.

???: Ow, that hurts!

???: That was a safe landing for once...

???: Hey! I didn't get a safe landing!

???: Whatever. But really, I don't know where we are...

???: Yeah! We are separated from the other agitos.

Kasumi and Ren happen to come across two girls.

Kasumi and Ren happen to come across two girls

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Ren: Um... sorry, who are you?

Kasumi: Where did you two come from?

???: Hey, do you know where the other agitos are?

Kasumi: ...What's that...?

???: Screw it! Let's just go to the introductions!

Kasumi: My name is Kasumi Aikotama, nice to (kill) meet you.

Ren: My name is Ren Aoki. It's a pleasure meeting you.

Ayaha: I'm Ayaha! I want to find a partner to play!

Otoha: I'm Otoha, I do the same as Ayaha!

Ayaha: How about we "play" with Ren?

Kasumi: (Not on my watch.)

Kasumi: Haha, if you both want to play with him, you'll have to face me first.

Ayaha and Otoha: Challenge accepted!

The first song for this chapter is Power of Love (Song below)

Ayaha: Hey! That's not fair!

Otoha: Yeah, you're cheating!

Kasumi: Actually, it's something called "good singing."

Otoha: Whatever!

Kasumi: (They seem to act similar to Kazashi somehow...)

Kasumi: (But whatever, I must eliminate them whatever it takes.)

Ayaha: Let's do the next song!

Ren: Yes, it would seem that this park would get a little too uncomfortable if nothing hypes it up.

Kasumi: Let's do this!

Otoha: This time, we'll do our best to take the guy!

The next song is START!! True Dreams (Song Below)



Kasumi: Sorry, Ren likes women who act formal and such things like that...

Kasumi: (But that attitude will get you killed...)

Ren: She's right, you both seem to act childish.

Kasumi: (It's time to do this! It's now or never!)

The last song for this chapter is Adolescence (Song below)



Kasumi: I don't think this is a good location Ren-kun.

Ren: I agree, childish people are hard to understand.


Kasumi: (I got rid of two, but...)

Kasumi: (Another one stands in my way... or should I say, three stand in my way.)

Kasumi: (Two seem to be shrine maidens...)

Kasumi: (While the other one seems to be related to the twins in one way or another...)

Kasumi: (I also heard he loves the strong and despises the weak.)

Kasumi: (It would be depressing for them if all of their likes were twisted to their own ends.)


Location: ??? - ???

Two girls come out of a portal.

???: Hey Otoha, what happened to the other four?

Otoha: I'm not sure, Ayaha.

Suddenly, someone comes out from the sky.

???: I have finally found you.

Ayaha: !

Otoha: Volk! Where were you?

To be continued

Universal Collision: 1980sWhere stories live. Discover now