Chapter eighteen.

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"Scamander? Johnson?"

Newt reached down to close his case, "Oh—Er—hello, Minister."

"Hello, Minister." I stated, my voice small.

"Theseus Scamander? The war hero?" Someone in the crowd asked.

"No, this is his little brother. And his travelling companion. And what are you both doing in New York?"

"We came to buy an Appaloosa Puffskein, sir." Newt replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Right. What are you both really doing here?"

"That's the truth, sir." I reassured, smiling sweetly at him.

Madam Picquery interrupted us, "Goldstein—and who is this?"

"This is Jacob Kowalski, Madam President, he's a No-Maj who got bitten by one of their creatures." She confessed.

As the room erupted into furious mumbles, I was staring at Tina in disbelief, she was willing to hand us over, to have Jacob obliviated, just to get her job back. I looked over at Newt, but he was absorbed a staring at the floating hologram of a body floating around the room, we both recognised what had created the marks, we looked at each other, "Merlin's beard."

"You know which of your creatures was responsible, Mr. Scamander, Miss. Johnson?"

"No creature did this" Newt started.

"Don't pretend you don't know.." I stated.

"Look at the marks.." He bit his fist.

"That was an.."

"Obscurius." We finished together, sharing a worried look with each other.

"You both go too far. There is no Obscurial in America. Impound that case, Graves!" Madam Picquery ordered.

As the case flew from us, we both shouted protests, drawing our wands, I managed to send one spell towards Graves, before we were all hit with an eruption of spells, we hit the floor on our knees, our wands flying to Graves, our hands restrained behind our backs magically. Newt was desperate as he pleaded with them, "No—no-- don't hurt those creatures—please, you don't understand—nothing in there is dangerous, nothing!"

His tone broke my heart, Madam looked at us with a cold stare, "We'll be the judge of that. Take them to the cells!"

We were lifted from the floor, as we left the room, it was my turn to shout to them, "You cannot hurt those creatures—please—they would never hurt anyone! Please, they are harmless, we saved them to help them!"

Newt was desperate as we were dragged out, "Don't hurt those creatures—there is nothing in there that is dangerous. Please don't hurt our creatures—they are not dangerous please they are not dangerous!"

We were all restrained in a small cell, me and Newt were sitting on the floor, I was huddled into his side, his arm was around me as he stared vacantly at nothing, I was gripping his hand tightly, my mind racing for escape plans. Tina was standing by the bars, her eyes filling with ushered tears and Jacob was sitting on the small bed across the room. Tina was the first one to break the deafening silence, "I am so sorry about your creatures, if I had known they would take them away, I would never have brought them here."

"Just stop talking." I snapped, not looking up at her.

I felt Newt squeeze my hand, telling me to calm down, I pushed my head further against his shoulder, willing the tears stinging my eyes to go away before they fell.

"Came someone please tell me what this Obscurial—Obscurius thing is? Please?" Jacob pleaded, his voice quite in the tiny cell.

Newt tensed ever so slightly next to me, and my muscles went rigid at the mention of it.

"There hasn't been one for centuries" Tina started.

"We met one in Sudan three months ago." I whispered.

"There used to be more of them, but they still exist. Before wizards went underground, when we were still being hunted by Muggles, young witches and wizards sometimes tried to suppress their magic to avoid persecution." Newt explained.

"Instead they would develop something more deadly, a thing called an Obscurius." I finished.

Upon seeing Jacob's confused expression, Tina summarised what we had just said, "It's an uncontrollable, unpredictable dark force that busts out and attacks and then vanishes"

My head shot up and I looked at Newt, all the strange things happening in the city fit the things I knew about them, and by the look on Tina's face, she had figured it out as well, she faced me and Newt fully, "Obscutrials can't live long, can they?"

"There's no documented case of any Obscurial living past the age of ten. The one we met in Africa was eight when she—" Newt trailed off, his hand tightening around mine.

"She was eight when she died." I whispered.

"What are you telling me here—that Senator Shaw was killed by a—by a kid?" Jacob questioned.

There was silence in the cell, but out looks said everything our words couldn't, we all knew what was happening, now we had to get someone to believe us, to help us.

A case full of love// Newt Scamander.Where stories live. Discover now