Recycling park

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If they could cry they would have. The simple thought of this place made them sick. They never wanted to go back there, never. Freddy first got up and took both of the feminin animatronics in his arms as he gave them a tight hug. Bonnie and Monty soon joined the hug, Moon and Sun also quickly joined the group hug.

Jason picked at his nails, maybe the whole truth needed some time to be revealed. "They've suffered enough for today." He told himself as he got up to join the hug, more like just touching Sun and Bonnie's shoulder as he made a strange face.

After a while everyone sat back at their place. "... There is something else we have to talk about, Money." Said Jason "I asked my step-sister for some of it and she lended me some, but we're not gonna go far with only that... I have to find work."
"No, we also want to help ya little bean" Said Monty.
"It is true, since bots can have work, couldn't we also have one ?" Freddy added.
"... Well... It's true... but you'll need to take off the... "Glamrock" makeup, mostly for you Bonnie and Freddy " Jason said. The bunny and the bear looked at each other, they didn't mind a relooking if it was for their freedom.

"Oh oh ! Can I also have a relooking ! I want to have eyes ! Can you repair my eyes Jason !?" Asked Sun.
"Well, I can try." Responded the human. Sun got up and runned toward Jason's office.

"... Your makeup is painted, right ?" Asked Jason to the other animatronics.
- Yes.
"...Then you could remove it with some acetone, I think I saw some in the bathroom." Jason went in the bathroom and brought back a bottle of acetone and put it on the table.

"You can take off what you want, even your bracelet, earring or anything that would make yourself be recognized as "a Pizzaplex property". I'll be with Sun and Moon for some more complicated change." Jason said, he soon got the approbation of all the animatronics as he got in his office.

"... What do we do now ?" Asked Bonnie.
"... Well, we could help each other." Said Freddy

Monty took the bottle and put some of the liquid in a tissue, he looked at Bonnie, who was sitting beside him, and smirked.

"... Don't you dare." The bunny said as he glared at the gator. Monty's smirk and growled before jumping on Bonnie, he wiped the tissue on his face, making the star around his eye slowly disappear.

"Ugh ! Traitor !" Bonnie said as he fighted to push the Gator off him. Freddy sighed and took a tissue filled with the liquid as he gave it to the bunny. "HA ! Thank you Superstar !" He said as he rubbed it on the gator's face, making the purple line under his right eye disappear.

As both of the animatronics still fought together, laughing and screaming, the other three helped each other to take off their makeup and other accessories.

"... Should we take off our earrings ?" Asked Roxanne.
- Nooooo, I like it ! We all have one (except Monty, but he's got his glasses) we should keep them !

After a while, Bonnie and Freddy were left without makeup. As for Monty, only the purple stripe on his face had been wiped off.

"... Wow, ya look weird... still hot though~" Said Monty to Bonnie.
"You too~ I could definitely still fuck yo-... "




"....What the fuck." He responded after a long silent as he looked at the bear.
"... Is something wrong ?" Freddy asked. The blue strip on his body wasn't there anymore, like his blue and red make up.

Monty looked at him, at first he thought he looked weird... but "Oh no he's hot." Was his final though.

"... Ya look ugly as fuck." Was his response despise his thoughts.

- No ! He looks like a gentleman !
Chica smiled at the bear, himself felt like he was missing something as he looked at his chest, but he would take whatever it needed to help his true family.

"Thank you Chica." The bear smiled back as they all sat back.

The atmosphere was lighter than before, nobody had forgotten what they saw or heard... Was their goal finally finished ? Were they really free if they knew that other "robots" like them were still being born ?





"... Does that mean... other animatronics will replace us... other animatronics... will also want to be free... and other animatronics..."

To be continued...

Hello hello ! Just for the test I photoshoped Freddy to see how he look without his make up... Please, don't do that, his face still haunt my nightmares... Jesus 0-0
Anyway, see you next time, bubye !

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