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It was the last Saturday in January, and on that same morning, River and Ikaris were still in bed. The window was open, letting in the brisk winter air and giving them all the more reason to stay within the warmth of the blankets. Bare bodies were pressed against one another, the warmth of the Eternal's skin lulling River back to sleep each time she woke up. She was between his legs, resting on top of him with her head and one hand on his chest. She could feel one of his hands playing with the ends of her hair, and the other was flat against the small of her back, holding her to him. After a long week at work, there was nothing better than laying in bed with a walking talking furnace.

"Should probably get up," she murmured, eyes closed.

"But will you?" he teased, running his hand up and down her back.

"Not at this rate," she said, nuzzling his chest ever so gently. But with a sigh, she pushed herself up and rolled onto her side, easing off of him to lay beside him instead. He reached to set his arm around her body, tucking her to his side like he always did, and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Anything on the agenda for today?" he asked, his free hand coming up to brush her hair from her face.

"Mm, nope. Schedule's all clear. We could stay here all day if we wanted," she said, closing her eyes with a small smile.

"Sounds perfect to me. Been a busy month for you. Maybe we can take that little trip we talked about before Christmas," he said, carefully pulling his arm from around her so he could lay on his side, facing her.

"Well, they've got a week or so long break coming up around the end of February. Maybe then," she said, opening her eyes to look at him. They smiled at one another, and she reached for his hand, pressing her palm to his before lacing their fingers together.

"Hi," she whispered, smiling a bit wider as she giggled.

"Hi," he whispered back, giving her hand a squeeze. He gazed down at her, and he chuckled as he watched her cheeks grow pink before she hid her face.

"Stop it," she mumbled.

"Stop what? Looking down at the most beautiful woman on earth? Impossible," he said, letting go of her hand to tilt her chin back up. He pressed another kiss to her forehead before carefully rolling them over so that she was beneath him.

"Ikaris!" she laughed, reaching to hold onto his biceps.

"Yes, River?" he asked, arching a brow as a slight smirk graced his lips. She gazed up at him, her thumbs tracing over his skin, then smiled warmly.

"You're really mine, aren't you?" she asked, pulling one hand from his arm so it could cradle his face.

"I am. For as long as you'll have me." He leaned into her touch, and she leaned up to press a kiss to the corner of his lips.

"Can I tell people that? Can I officially tell my friends that Ike Harris is my very lovely boyfriend?" she asked.

"I like the sound of that. And that makes you, River Whitman, my very lovely girlfriend." As he leaned down to kiss her, the doorbell rang downstairs. He groaned and let his head fall forward so his forehead could rest on her shoulder, sighing quietly as he felt her fingers in his hair.

"Maybe if we ignore it, it'll go away," he said softly, instead pressing kisses along her shoulder to the base of her neck. It was quiet for a moment, so he trailed his lips along her jaw and to the corner of her lips before the doorbell rang again.

"I don't think it went away," she whispered, and he couldn't help but smile.

"I guess not. Suppose we should get dressed, unfortunately. But, maybe later, I can get you alone and—"

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