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Once the new year rolled around, and after Ikaris had dropped River off at work, he was on his way to Dane's to gather his things like he promised. Granted, he didn't have much, but he still agreed to move his belongings. River had been kind enough to clear space for his clothes in her dresser and closet, but even as she did so with a smile, he could tell she was still upset. She'd been looking forward to spending the holiday with her brother, and after what she told him on Christmas Eve, he felt awful.

Their Christmas had been a quiet one. They watched movies on the couch all day, in the soft glow of the lights from the tree, but nothing felt happy. Ikaris felt guilty all day, knowing he had nothing to give her, no dinner planned to replace the one she was uninvited from, nothing. He did, however, take her out for a birthday dinner a few days later, taking her back to Ronaldo's, but even then, it was bittersweet. The food was good as usual, but he watched her continuously look around, like she expected someone to be spying on her. And while he was lucky enough to share a kiss with her on New Year's, once the clock hit 12:01, she wanted to go to bed. And so they did, and he held her that night as she cried.

Once he reached Dane's house, he set down the bags he was holding so he could knock on the door. He took a step back, then picked up the bags as he waited. It took a minute or two, but the door finally opened, and Dane was silent as he moved to let the Eternal inside. Both men were dead quiet as Ikaris walked to the guest room, where he set the bags down on the floor so he could pack up his clothes. He gently pushed the other bag aside and set to work, neatly tucking his things into the bag. Once he was finished, he zipped it up and set it on the bed, then went to grab the second bag from the floor. He slung the strap of the first one over his shoulder and left the room, glancing into the living room and then the kitchen, where he spotted Dane sitting with Sersi at the table.

"Got all your things?" Dane asked, setting his mug down onto the table.

"Mhm. And River wanted me to give this to you." Ikaris brought the bag to the table and set it down.

"She did?"

"Yeah. Late Christmas presents for you both. She hopes you had a good holiday and she sends her love," he said, adjusting the strap on his shoulder.

"Oh." Dane looked at the bag as Ikaris turned to leave, not sparing a glance to either of them as he walked towards the door. He could hear a chair scratching along the kitchen floor, and as he set his hand on the doorknob, Dane came out into the hall with two bags in his hands.

"Ikaris," he said, stopping the Eternal in his tracks. "Would you bring these back for her?"

Ikaris closed his eyes for a moment, a soft exhale leaving his lips before he glanced back at Dane over his shoulder.

"No," he turned back around, keeping his bag secure, "because it's not my job to repair a relationship you damaged. I think it would be a lot more meaningful if you brought them by." With that said, he shook his head and opened the front door, heading out and leaving Dane alone in the hall.

"Is everything all right?" Sersi asked quietly, walking over to set a hand on his shoulder.

"Everything's fine. I just... I need to think," he said, setting the bags down by the door.

"I hope you'll be thinking about how to fix this, because you were way out of line," she said as he walked by her. Dane stopped mid step and looked at her, a brow arched.

"I was out of line? How was I out of line? I was just trying to protect my sister. Sersi, you

of all people know what he's like, and how not great this will turn out!"

"You're right, I do know what he's like. And that's why I think this is good for him."

"Good for him? What could possibly make this good for him?!"

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