Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty
0 13K * 315 P 194
Raven's POV
I stifle a yawn, exhausted from going to bed so late and waking up so early.
'Are you tired?" Blake asks me, her fingers interlocked with mine and our hands resting in her lap. Her other hand is on the wheel
"A little," I admit. She smiles softly, returning her gaze to the road.
"You look happy," I Say, a smile creeping onto my own lips. She's been smiling the entire day.
"I am," She says, raising our hands to her lips and kissing the back of my hand. I blush, the butterflies in my chest going wild.
"Thank you for coming with me," She says after a comfortable pause.
"Thank you for inviting me," I Say, my eyes studying her. Even in the dark of the car she looks unbelievably beautiful.
"My family loves you," she chuckles, making me smile wider. "I like your family," I Say.
"I do too.. although my mother can get a bit much," she laughs.
"I think she hinted at when you should propose about fifty times today," I laugh. Blake rolls her eyes, smiling as she does so.
"I would've liked to meet your family," Blake says gently after a pause. There's a lurch in my chest and a sting in my heart.
"They would've liked you," I Say, staring out the window at the darkening country side. We resume another comfortable silence. Eventually I look back over at Blake, a smile creeping onto my face. I can't believe she's mine. Officially.
"What are you smiling at?" Blake asks, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she glances at me.
"Nothing," I Say, still watching her. "Liar," She titters.
"I'm just happy," I laugh. She glances at me with those heart stopping beautiful eyes of hers, her dimples showing in her cheeks. Her gaze lingers on me for a second before she turns it back to the road, biting her lip.
"Don't do that," I shudder, looking out the window.
"Don't do what?" She asks, laughing.
"Bite your lip like that," I mutter, crossing my legs. She laughs louder.
"Would you like to do it for me?" She asks, causing me to look at her sharply. She winks, biting her lip again.   
"Maybe not while you're driving Miss Bradley," I shoot back. Sure enough she stiffens and looks back at the road, her jaw clenching and her knuckles going white on the steering wheel.
"I knew it," I chuckle, watching her.
"Knew what?" She mutters with a tight voice, adjusting herself in her seat.
"It turns you on when I call you Miss Bradley," I smirk, my hand slipping out of hers and resting over her thigh.
"It does not," she mutters.
"Are you sure about that," I ask, leaning forward and purring in her ear, my fingers dancing up her inner thigh, "Miss Bradley?"
"Raven I'm driving," she whispers, her voice weak. 1 sit back in my seat, smirking in triumph, watching her purse her lips and adjust herself in her seat again.
"When is Amanda getting back?" I ask, changing the topic. "In two days time," She says, her face still flushed.
"Are you going to tell her?" I ask, "about us I mean?" "No, I'm going to let her figure it out," she chuckles.
"Speaking of telling people.. about us," she adds,"I'm trusting that you won't tell anyone at school? Or otherwise?"
"I promise," I Say.
"I know it's hard.. keeping a relationship secret," she sighs,"it's going to be hard for a while.. we have to be careful about going on dates in public-"
"Blake I know," I interrupt her, squeezing her hand reassuringly. I can see she's stressing out,"I understand. I know what you're risking to be with me. I promise I won't tell a soul about us, and I promise to be extra careful about where we go on dates. As hard as it's going to be, I understand that on school grounds we have to be extra careful and maintain a strictly professional relationship."
"Thank you for being so mature," she smiles at me, kissing the back of my hand again.
"Why did you change your mind?" I ask suddenly. "What do you mean?" She asks curiously.
"Up until this morning you seemed pretty sure that you didn't want to try us .. what changed your mind?" I elaborate.
"I think I realized that being with you is worth any risk thrown my way," she says softly after a pause. A wide smile works it's way onto my face, my heart swelling with uncontrollable emotion.
"What are you doing tomorrow?" I suddenly ask.
"In the morning I have an appointment at the optometrist, and after that I have some planning to do. After that I'm free," She says.
"Would you like to spend the afternoon with me?" T ask. She glances at me, a smile on her lips.
"I would love to," she smiles, her eyes returning to the road. I grin, childlike happiness skipping over my skin.
"The optometrist?" I ask with a frown, "you don't wear glasses.."
"I might have to," she sighs, "I've been getting headache when I mark papers for an extensive amount of time. All this reading as a English literature teacher is really putting my eyes under strain."
"Glasses are sexy," 1 Say, making her laugh, "not that you need any help in that department. You're irresistible as it is."
She bites her lip at my words, casting me a sly look.
By now we've entered the city. The roads aren't that busy so it doesn't take us long to reach the penthouse apartment building, which is disappointing. I don't quite want to part from Blake, and I get the sense she feels the same way.
She parks her car and we sit in a comfortable silence, her thumb drawing light circles in the palm of my hand. I enjoy her touch, a simple as it is it feels so intimate.
She turns to me, her hand leaving mine and tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, her eyes softly drinking me in. Her hand moves to caress my cheek, my heart racing a thousand miles an hour.
She leans forward and kisses me softly. Automatically my hands move to rest on her waist and her other hand cups my jaw. I kiss her back, softly at first, following her lead. She starts to kiss me with a little more passion, deepening the kiss gradually, and still I follow her lead, my skin tingling and the butterflies ready to erupt from my lungs.
She draws back, panting slightly.
"Sorry," she mutters, "I got a little carried away."
"D-don't apologize," I manage, out of breath and struggling for words. Kissing Blake tends to make me forget how to speak.
"Y-you could always stay," I blurt out, "with me. Tonight." A smile forms at the corners of her lips and eyes.
"I thought Will was home tonight," She reminds me. I curse under my breath, making her chuckle.
"1 better go," 1 sigh, not wanting too.
"Or you could just stay her for a few more minutes," Blake whispers seductively, moving her lips to brush mine. I answer her by kissing her passionately, smiling as she laughs against my lips.
"Let me know when you get home," I whisper between kisses, "I want to know you're safe."
"You're unbelievably sweet," she mumbles against my lips.
"Drive safe," I smile, kissing her one last time before climbing out her car. She catches my hand and pulls me back into the car, causing me to yelp out in laughter as she pulls me into her, kissing me deeply.
"Merry Christmas Raven," She whispers, smiling at me with that soft, emotion filled look in her eyes. She lets me go, letting me out her car. My gaze lingers on hers before I close the car door, a childlike smile of pure happiness etched on my face and her bottom lip trapped between her teeth impishly.
Mine. She's mine.
"Hello Raven," Blake answers my call within two rings. The sound of her voice causes me to smile.
"Good morning," I Say, checking the clock to see that it is still technically morning.
"Did you sleep well?" She asks. I purse my lips. I slept the opposite of well, but I don't want her to worry.
"I got some sleep if that's what you're asking," I eventually say.
"Bad dreams again?" She asks softly. My silence answers her question. "Do you need glasses?" I ask, changing the topic.
"Raven.." she sighs, calling me out on my avoiding tactics.
"I don't want to talk about it," I say quietly.
"Alright," she says hesitantly before answering my question, "I do need glasses. Reading glasses, thankfully I won't have to wear them all the time."
"I wanna see what they look like," I smirk.
"Hang on, I'll send you a picture," she chuckles and there's a pause from her side of the line. My phone longs and I draw it away from my ear, opening the notification from Blake. My jaw drops at the how
unbelievably sexy she looks. Now it's definitely going to be impossible to keep my hands to myself at school.
"What do you think?" She asks.
"I don't think it should be legal for you to wear glasses: I mutter, "there is absolutely no way I'm going to be able to focus in class."
"If you don't focus I might have to punish you Miss Jones," she says, making me shiver.
"That just encourages me to not focus," I Say. She chuckles.
"What time are you coming over?" I ask, changing the topic before I get too turned on.
"Is three o'clock okay?" She asks.
"Perfect," I smile. I've been planning exactly how I want our first date to go, and she has no idea what's in store. I didn't want to be boring and just do dinner or a movie.
"Am I going to be driving us?" She asks, "because if so I do need to know where we're going."
"We're taking the train," I Say.
"Can you tell me where we're going anyways?" She asks. "You'll find out later," I laugh.
"Fine," she mumbles adorably.
"I'll see you later Miss Bradley," I Say, smirking. "Raven," she warns.
"What?" I laugh.
"Don't call me that," she mutters,"1'm in public, it's not the greatest of places to get turned on."
"Sorry," I chuckle, "I'll see you later."
"I'll see you later," she says, and I can almost hear the smile on her face.
The elevator door opens, revealing the beautiful Blonde who I've been ecstatically awaiting for the past few hours. She smiles as soon as she sees me, entering the penthouse and setting her purse down on the entrance table.
"You look beautiful," I smile, scanning her up and down as I make my way towards her, wrapping my arms around her neck.
"So do you," She whispers, laying a soft kiss on my lips.
"Are you wearing channel?" I ask, pulling away and taking another deep breath in to try catch her scent.
"You have a good nose," she says, impressed.
"Ready to go?" I ask, fetching my coat from the coat rack by the door and pulling it on.
"Yes," she smiles, picking her purse up again.
"Can you at least give me a hint of where we're going?" She pleads as we ride the elevator down to the ground floor.
"So impatient," I muse.
"I've been meaning to ask," I Say as we walk towards the nearby station, "When is your birthday?"
"Why?" She responds, skirting around the question. I chuckle.
"I think is reasonable for the person you're dating to know your birthday," I Say. She sighs.
"I guess you're right." she says slowly, "seventh of January."
"What?? That's not even two weeks away!" I Say, surprised.
"Mmhmm," She says, clearly not excited.
"Not a fan of birthdays?" T ask as we make our way down the station stairs and out of the cold wind.
"I'm turning twenty nine," she says, "that's not exactly something to be excited about. The fact that I'll be yet another year older than you isn't a pleasant thought either."

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