right before my eyes

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-before anyone reads this chapter i want to be very clear about the content warnings ahead. this chapter deals with talks of suicide and losing family members. if anyone is sensitive to those subjects, i advice very much to read at your own discretion.

-i know i always leave my author's note at the start of each chapter, but i wanted to make sure the first thing anyone read with beginning of this chapter was the content warnings so i'll see y'all at the end in the author's note :) thank you all for understanding <3

-also ignore the typos yall i try LMAO


jean's point of view

[play i only have eyes for you by the flamingos, trust me yall]

Jean's heart was beating out of his chest.

But in the best way someone's heart could be out of one's chest. Jean had never felt something like this happen to him before, and he hoped it wouldn't go away anytime soon. And it was all because of you.

Not there was any doubt before, but there was absolutely none now.

Jean just had to have you.

You were his and he couldn't stand the thought anymore of you being with anyone else. So he knew he had to do something about it tonight.

Everything about the night you two just had made that invisible string he felt connecting you two tug even tighter. And he had a few ideas for why he could be feeling that.

Maybe one of the reasons to why Jean liked you so much could be the same reasons why he went looking for you the day you fought Annie. It wasn't even his plan to apologize and have all of that happen between you two.

The only thing he was sure of that day was that he didn't want you to be alone and he'd be damned if you felt otherwise.

Something about day changed so much for Jean regarding you. He knew since that night on the cliff, before it all went to shit, how there had to be something else to you. And maybe, as awful as it sounds, Jean watching you do that damage on Annie just cracked your outer shell to who you really were.

And Jean already couldn't get enough of it.

He remembers how quickly you fell asleep in the bathroom that day as you two held each other's fucked up hands. He remembers how sorry he felt for you considering how fast you fell asleep because it probably meant you didn't get any rest the night before so of course he was gonna stay there with you and let you sleep as long as you want.

Jean remembers how beautiful you looked in your sleep and how lucky he felt that he was able to see you look so peaceful and vulnerable. You looked like an angel to him as you dozed off. As he watched you sleep that day, not only was his heart melting into oblivion that you even trusted him enough to do something like that, but it just made him more sure of his promises to you that day.

How he never wanted anyone or anything bad hurt you and how if he was able to, he'd do anything to prevent it from getting to you.

And of course, his promise to always come and find you. How could he not? Jean was really starting to believe you belonged with him. He wasn't entirely sure in what way, but he was sure he just wanted you by his side.

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