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It's been 6 months since hizashi came back, and their relationship had been improving but their was a lingering feeling in hizashi's stomach that aizawa was still upset.  "Alright that concludes class listeners!" Hizashi's voice boomed over the class as they all rushed to their next class, sighing hizashi walked over to aizawa's class room also known as 1A. "He's gonna be in a bad mood- he always is after dealing with those students and they aren't even that bad" hizashi thought bitterly as he struggled to balance the two cups of coffee in his hand while also holding his laptop. "Heyyyyyy-" hizashi said semi enthusiastic waiting for either a book to come flying his way or to get a snarky remark from aizawa but there wasn't one. "Hey hizashi." Aizawa mumbled pushing up his new glasses and looking back down at the computer. Hizashi was surprised that aizawa wasn't pissed off at his class but he was more surprised at what aizawa called him.
"Hizashi are you just going to stand there or can I have the coffee?" Hizashi stood there in shock until he finally stammered "Y-you called me hizashi-!" Aizawa looked up confused, 'Omg why is he so hot' hizashi thought to himself as aizawa started saying talking "Well uh- would you prefer yamada?" aizawa said leaning looking back at his computer then back at hizashi. "No- no of course not I was just shocked-" hizashi stammered and quietly said something under his breath. "Alright then" Aizawa said putting his hair into a bun, hizashi turned bright red and looked away "ugh why do I feel like this. I'm straight" hizashi thought bitting his lip repeating the last part in his mind over and over again. "Are you blushing? Gross" Aizawa remarked with a grin on his face, hidden deep beneath his scarf.

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