"Arranging the Pieces"pt.2

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I swear my intentions are not good

Harry Potter, now 9 years old, was meditating on everything that had happened, he had put his relatives under an unforgivable curse, and that would earn him a direct ticket to Azkaban, where most of Voldemort's followers were, something he wanted to avoid since even though he didn't know what it's like inside, since neither he nor Voldemort have been there, he didn't want to be with those who believed that he had defeated the dark lord.

That was another thing that surprised him, apparently he was famous for surviving the killing curse, something that no one had ever done and for defeating Voldemort, something that gave him a bad taste in his mouth, why he didn't do anything, he just didn't die with their parents, something that everyone forgot since they celebrate that day as if it were Christmas instead of mourning, or at least not having a party.

Another thing that gave him a bad taste was the magical world, there were some very good things, but there were many bad things, one of them being corruption and intolerance. nothing bad was done to him since he was also looking for that, what he did not like was that they only preferred to have an heir or heiress so as not to have to distribute their wealth a lot, and then 'sell' their son to gain more prestige and maintain their purebloods. Something that Harry disliked since they always talked about how the born and half-bloods are killing the purebloods, when they themselves are the ones who exterminate themselves. For Harry it was better to be united, whether they were purebloods or not, since there were more muggles than wizards in the whole world, and if they kept giving dark lords they would soon hunt them down like they did in the old days, it was at that moment that a memory hit him and made his eyes widen, before a smile appeared in your face

"Minny" he called, waiting for the elf to arrive (which he did when he realized the potential they could have).

"Yes, Master Harry Potter" said the elf, very excited to be able to complete a mission for his master.

"Take me to Diagon Alley, to the bookstore"he said before getting up from the bed in his room, which was where Dudley previously kept his toys and taking the elf's hand. And with that they disappeared with a soft pop .

Harry went to the 'dark magic' section (that dark magic was the whitest he knew) and went to the shelf where it said "Dark Lords and their purposes", where he looked at it and smiled to see that it did have the information he was looking for .

xxxx xxxxX
Geller Grindelwald (who was currently in Nurmengard) was waiting for his breakfast, when suddenly he heard the voice of a boy, turning so fast that he even heard his neck crack, he saw a boy with black hair and green eyes that looked a little surprised. .Despite being locked away for a long time, Grindelwald was still a skilled wizard, so he was able to feel the boy's wand from its sheath, if only he could have it...

"I take it you didn't expect to see me alive, did you?" I ask, only to receive a nod from the boy's head. "I wonder how you know about me? I'm out of style now there's a new dark lord".

"I was very struck by you," Harry replied simply, receiving an expectant look, "I mean, you were the only one who had dared to do what was necessary to save our kind, and then you got locked up for it," he replied with a smirk. disbelieving tone.

Grindelwald looked at him with his different colored eyes before bursting out laughing. "Finally, someone who understands me in a long time, someone who knows that I'm not the bad guy, who sees the brilliance of my noble goal, I don't know who you are ,but to have entered here you have to be very skilled, and you are even a child, I can already imagine what you will be as an adult, but I can't do anything here", he said thoughtfully, then looked at the boy, "but you can get me out, you yourself have seen that what I was doing was not a bad thing, you and I can pick up where I left off a long time ago"he said with renewed joy and hope, only to stop to see the boy who saw him with an unreadable mask, and then chuckled.

"You're really good at making people do what you want, but I don't need your help"said Harry, who with a subtle movement began to remove the wand from its sheath.

"So, what do you want from me?"I ask somewhat concerned.

"Nothing, I just wanted you to lower your guard"

Grindelwald's eyes widened in horror only to see the tip of his wand and hear him say "Cruccio"

Several hours later...
Harry was exhausted by all the effort he made to break Grindelwald's Occlumency barriers (because that curse, apart from causing pain, made people even go mad, that's why he didn't use it for long), recovering, She turned to the right only to see a very emaciated Grindelwald product of the curse. Straightening she turned to look at him, causing him to look back at her.

"You may hate me at this point, but remember this is and will be, For the greater good", he finished and now Gellert understood why the faces of horror when hearing that, before hearing him whisper "Legeremens", he no longer put resistance, why now, was like an open book for the boy.

Mischief done.

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