New Friends? Chapter 3

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Rany POV
I plug in my earbuds and started walking to school.
I had so much fun yesterday with the moon festival!
I walk downstairs to tell my little brother to hurry up.
"Ughhhh, I am hurrying!" Stanley said.
We walk to the elementary school then I walked to the high school. I see Billy dropping off the plants.
I dash to my ✨bestie✨.
"Oh, good mornings!" Billy said.
"Top o the mornin to you too!" I say British like.
We walk and talk all the way to school and change our shoes. I walk to my normal group of friends I see Billy walk off somewhere else.
The bell rings and me and my friends walk off to our classes.
"Make sure to come to basketball practice." One of my friends, Mikey shouted.
I hear someone playing a guitar riff of what sound to be the guitar piece of beat it. I love that song just as much as I like industry baby.
"Gaah!" Billy shouted as he made eye-contact with me.
"Eek" I squeaked and speed walk to my classroom.
"And where we're you?" Mr. Gilson asked in a mad like tone.
"The bathroom!" I said.
"You should hurry up more."
"I know Mr. Gilson.. it won't happen again."
"Good! Now let's continue."
(Time skip to 8:30pm)
Billy POV
I hear my phone go off and I open it to an unknown.
Oh it was Gabby.
I started to type:

I had just found out that there was a party

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I had just found out that there was a party.
And I was going to it.
After I ate I'd dress myself up on jeans and my classic light sky blue, with white diamonds on the top around the shoulder sweater on.
"Bye mom!" I say walking out the door.
"Bye dear! Have fun!" Mom said.
"I will." I yelled closing the door.
I plug in earbuds and got on my bike.
The wind feels amazing.
I started getting a bad vibe as I see car lights go on. I look back to see if it was a car or flashlights.
It was a car and I decided to go on the sidewalk.
After a few minutes, I realized that they were following me!
I am so scared, I grabbed our my phone was I peddling.
"Call Rany." I said into Siri.
"Calling Rany My bae." Said Siri.
"Hello! How are you?" Asked Rany.
"He-lp, There's a car following me. I'm on Idle street right now." I said.
I also described the car.
"THATS BRIAN! I'm coming try to get the off your track." Rany said and hanged up.
Before he hanged up I heard him cuss but I have no clue what it was.
(After trying to get them off Billies track)

One person that I know from my class gets out of the car and dashes for me.
His name is Brian Wilson, he is the fastest kid in my class.
He hoped onto my bike and me.
We both fell over.
"Aye you fagot." Brian said.
He grabbed me by my ankles and started to pull me as the car begins to pull up.
I tried to kick him but he gripped me harder.
It's a black Cadillac with a white stripe.
The driver whom I don't know opens the door of the back seat as Brian put a me in laying down.
"Now your gonna take this like a champ." Said Brian.
I look like I'm about cry.
"Wha-t" I had a voice crack again.
"What are you going to do." I said as the car started to move.
"I'm going to f- you so hard." Brian said.
I feel like throwing up.
He started to unbuckle then a car lightly hits us.
"What the hell!" Brian yelled and look to see who it was.
"Gah f-, it's damn Rany." He picked me up and throws me out the car.
They started to floor it.
Rany got out as I was getting up.
"ARE YOU OKAY?!" Rany said.
I began to cry as he hugged me.
I put my face into his chest.
"It's okay, do you wanna go home or the party?" He asked.
"Party." I said.
"So what was Brian going to do to you." Rany asked as we got into his car.
"He was gonna rape me." I said.
"That damn bastard." Rany said.
"How do you know him?" I asked.
"We used to date each other. He became a stalker after we broke up cus of his obsessiveness and once I found out I had reported him to the police." Billy said.
We shortly arrived at the party.
We walked into Michaels house to just realize it was filled with wired things and people.
So me and Rany went and got ice cream and hanged out at a park.
He kissed me.
He taste like chocolate.
Rany POV

Oh wow! Billy taste like fruit mainly strawberries.
I began to feel his chest and back as he pulls me in closer.
I see car lights and I don't trust plus I had a feeling that it was Brian.
I told Billy that if he wanted we can hang out and sleep at my house.
"Sure! Can you take me to my house to get my stuff if she says yes." Billy asked.
"Of course, my love." I said.
He began to blush, hehe how cute.
"So does that mean we are dating now?" Asked Billy.
"If you want too. I love you with all my heart." I said in response.
"Then yes! We are!" Billy said happily!
Brian POV

Ugh, Billy had to just hang out with Rany.
Hell nah! Billy is minee.
Grr 😠

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